Chapter 25:

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A/N: Smol trigger

Phil's POV:
Dan's doctor returned shortly. I looked up at him hopefully.
"Phillip?" He asked. I nodded. "Daniel... He... His lungs collapsed. We are doing the best we can but there is a 30% chance of survival." I stared down at the floor. B's eyes filling with tears once again.
"Thank you." I said, trying hard to stop myself from crying. "You best efforts are all you can do. I appreciate that." And with that, I pulled B up by the arm and pulled her out of the hospital, before anyone could see us cry. Outside, it was raining. (A/N: Sadness cliché) Typical British weather. B and I sat in silence on the empty train back. B got up at her stop. She turned to me and said "Goodbye Phil. I hope we can make it through the night." and hopped off the train into the dismal night. After the realisation of what she'd said set in, I called her best friend, Rian.
"Hey, Rian Gale speaking."
"Hi Rian, it's B's brother's friend Phil?"
"Oh yeah, hiya Phil. What's up?" Rian said.
"I need you to check on B for me. Every now and then, through the night. Even if it's just a call or a text. Her brother is dying and her life is falling apart. Tonight, when she left, she said "Goodbye Phil. I hope we make it through the night." That might not sound suspicious to you but, she never says 'Goodbye', always 'See you Soon' or 'See you later'. Do you understand what I'm saying?" I said, letting all my fears drip from my tongue.
"I understand Phil. I'll try my best. Since the accident, I've noticed she wears long sleeved shirts and sweaters. It may just be the weather or she's started again." Rian said, severe concern in his voice, "Look after yourself, Phil. I know this is tough for you too. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Rian. Thank you for everything you do for B. It's really obvious the amount of joy you bring to her life." I said.
"Thank you. Look after yourself Phil." He answered, and the line went dead. The train continued on its journey to my stop. I plugged in my headphones and shuffled my music. The first song to play was Impossible Year by Panic! At the Disco...

There's no sunshine
This impossible year
Only black days and sky grey
And clouds full of fear
And storms full of sorrow
That won't disappear
Just typhoons and monsoons
This impossible year

There's no good times
This impossible year
Just a beachfront of bad blood
And a coast that's unclear
All the guests at the party
They're so insincere
They just intrude and exclude
This impossible year

There's no you and me
This impossible year
Only heartache and heartbreak
And gin made of tears
The bitter pill is swallowed
The scars souvenir
That tattoo, your last bruise
This impossible year

There's never air to breathe
There's never in-betweens
These nightmares always hang on past the dream

There's no sunshine
There's no you and me
There's no good times
This impossible year...

As the song came to a close, the train pulled into my station. I stood and stepped out carelessly into the rainy street and proceeded on my way to an empty apartment, filled with nothing but me, my thoughts and emptiness.

Oh Dan.

Don't make this and Impossible Year...

A/N: Yo, it me again. Soz if I made you cri. They will be more to come I'm afraid. Also soz that this chapter was all Phil's PoV. I wrote this chapter in a rush (so please excuse the possible spelling and grammar mistakes I wrote this in an hour ish whoops) because I've been on holiday in Spain so I've been doing holiday-y things and I wanted to get you this chapter on schedule so I didn't have time to write from B's PoV. There will be more from B in the next chapter.

Stay Awkward <3

E x

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