Chapter 37: The three of us are dying

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B's POV:
"I woke up as heavy as lead,
An ocean of worry weighs me down in bed,
But there's things to do, there's a life to live
Must ignore my stupid head"

I sang quietly along with Dodie, redoing my eyeliner from the previous day. I thought carefully about the lyrics.

"I'm walking around with a stone for a heart,
People swimming in honey as your of life falls apart,
It's cold and it's dark and there's no way out,
I felt like you once,
I wish I could shout"

I put down the eyeliner and thought. Anxiety is a fucker. If it didn't exist, I might be able to make something of myself. But it does. I can barely sit in a car without getting fidgety. I take my meds everyday without fail and still, I can't control my head. My head is messed up. Anxiety, PTSD, Depression and Schizophrenia. A pill for each. A pill a day, keeps the voices away.

I sighed heavily and pulled on my red Doc Marten boots. Today was the day. I was going to play the song to Dan and Phil. I turned off my music and shoved my laptop in the case and grabbed my leather jacket and slung it on. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys from the side. I locked my door and ran down the stairs to the front door. I stepped out into the cold air and shivered. Walking quickly, I put an earplug in and blasted some My Chemical Romance into my brain. If that didn't wake me up, nothing would.

I arrived at the hospital and found Dan's ward in plenty of time. I walked in to find Phil wasting away in the visitors seat and Dan lying peacefully in the bed. I walked to Dan's side. I smiled sadly at how peaceful he looked. Gently, I reached out and stroked the curls near his eyes.
"They have bad news." Phil said quietly. My head snapped up.
"What?" I demanded.
"They wouldn't tell me until you got here." As if on que, Dan's doctor from the first occasion, walked in.

"Ah, Bailey. You're here now." He spoke softly. "Please, sit." I sat down and reached out to hold Phil's hand. It was cold and thin but I gripped it tightly anyway. I looked into his icy eyes.
"Ready?" I asked him. He nodded in response and we looked at the doctor.

"We have to take Daniel off of life support."

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