Chapter 4:

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Dan's POV:
Last night was amazing. I was friking zazzed most of the night though. But I remember a really hot girl. What am I saying? Uh. I've probably got a hangover. I though nothing of the subject until Phil asked me over breakfast.
"Who was that girl last night?"
"Don't worry about her Philly." I replied. I knew he was worrying so I changed the subject. "What do you wanna do today?"
"I don't mind. I though you were meeting HER today."
"Oh yeah, she's coming here if you don't mind."
"No, no. Not at all." He minded. I don't care what he thinks. I'm a 23 year old man. I can do what I like.

Phil's POV:
I can't believe Dan has invited a girl he has met once to our home. Without consulting me first. I know it is his house too but I pay more rent than he does because I earn more, pay more tax, therefore pay higher rent. Screw the government.
At 11:00 the bell went outside our house. This was it. Dan walked to the door. He had made an effort. Too much of an effort. He liked her. The door opened and the hallway filled with a chokingly sweet perfume. A high, bubbly voice echoed around the flat as she walked in. As Dan stepped out of the way I got a clear view of the girl. Platinum blonde hair in a 'messy bun', tight, short, low cut, black dress, black leather jacket with studs on the shoulders and black platform heels. When I focused on her face, her striking blue eyes fixed on me.

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