Chapter 34: What's so good about picking up the pieces?

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Phil's POV:
"What if I don't even want to?" I whispered to myself as Pierce the Veil pounded around my head. I reached for my blade but quickly retracted my hand.
For B. For Dan. For B. For Dan. I told myself. I turned off Pierce the Veil and turned on B's playlist. I shut my eyes and lay back on Dan's bed. I breathed in the smell of Dan's deodorant. It was slowly fading from the lack of his body. Like me. I was fading away again. Just like all those years ago.


It was a bright summers day.  Amber was there. I remembered her bright eyes and broad smile. Her fiery hair and her pale skin. The way she would stand in the street when it rained. The way she dressed. Her big sweaters and leggings with thick socks. Her favourite cherry red Dr Marten boots. The way she would tightly braid her hair in the morning. The way it would always be falling out by the end of the day. The protection she had over her brothers. The anger on her face if anyone tried to pick on us. Suddenly, the sun turned to thick black clouds. I saw purple and blue. Black and grey. Red. Dark, scarlet red. Like the blood that fell from her legs. Bruises appeared on her porcelain complexion. Her blue eyes were bloodshot from crying. Crystal tears rolled off her soft cheeks. Her busted lips formed words but I couldn't tell what she was saying. Instead, I saw hands. They gripped tight around her wrists, ankles, throat and stomach.
"Stop! You're hurting her!" I cried out, but nobody could hear me. She was being dragged away from me by the hands that gripped her fragile form. Her piercing blue eyes looked desperate. I tried to grasp at her but the hands were too strong.
"Phil! Help me Phil! Help me!" She screamed.
"Amber!" I cried.

I sat up suddenly, a cold breeze shot through my bones.

I always seem to find a way to fuck things up.

B's POV:
"Well, I best be going" said Pj, standing up. He turned and headed for the door. He opened it and turned to face me. "Look after Phil for me? He's not strong enough to do it himself. Skype him every now and then, and go visit him." He said. "Look after yourself too. You're just as important as the rest of us." He smiled sadly and left.

I was left with just my thoughts. It was then that I realised how much Phil needed this. He needed Dan, and I was going to get Dan back. Dan brought the light to Phil's eyes and if I knew anything, it was to never let anyone take the light behind your eyes.

A/N: Told you it was a teary one. I'm not boasting about my writing but I cried while grammar checking this. Just the line "Never let anyone take the light behind your eyes" makes me cry every time >_< Anyways, how many song references could you find in this chapter? There are a few to look out for :)

Stay Awkward,

E x

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