Chapter 29: Plans

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B's POV:
Trawling the Internet at 3 am was a special talent of mine. Once again, I found myself on Dodie's page. Dodie was my best friend. Second only to Rian. I was still searching for an idea for my music project when I came across my favourite songs of hers. One for the Road. I plugged my headphones in and listened. I love the whole meaning behind the song about how she's still strong after a breakup because she has her friends with her.

I've got friends to help me through,
I'd rather be with them than you.

I was about half way through the video when my favourite part came.

Leave me alone.
'Cause I'm not alone.

Then, little video clips of all her friends popped up with them singing along. Hazel, Jack, Daniel, Evan, Bry and many more of her friends. That's when the idea hit me.

I grabbed my note pad and wrote down as many of Dan and Phil's friends as I could think of.

I opened my emails and composed a letter.

Dear friends of Dan Howell and Phil Lester,

You may or may not be aware of the situation surrounding my family currently. Dan was subject to a hit and run and is currently in a coma.

I was wondering if you would be willing to be a part of my music project for Dan and also it will hopefully improve Phil's emotional state.

Many thanks,

B Howell

I hit send and the emails were launched into the atmosphere.

I grabbed my guitar and notebook and climbed out the window and sat on the roof.

I looked out at the London skyline. It was so beautiful at this time of day.

Dan might never see the city this way again.

A/N: Again, just a little filler to move the story along. Also, do you like the new cover, I feel like my editing skills have improved lmao ;) However, sadly, we are nearing the end of this book :( I doubt we get more than 40 chapters but I've really enjoyed writing it :)

Stay Awkward,

E x

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