Chaper 31: Blades

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A/N: Triggerz lads

Phil's POV:
"Please, Phil. I can't loose you too." Her words felt like a dagger. It hadn't dawned on me that if I was gone, B would be all alone. I was silent and so was she. I contemplated pushing her away, but the last time I did that, I killed my best friend. I rolled down my sleeve and unlocked the door and pulled it open slowly. B had tears streaming from her eyes. My arm stung from the blade and my heart stung from her tears.

"I'm sorry." I said. B's eyes bore into my sleeved arm.
"Have you?" She asked. I nodded slowly. Her eyes filled with yet more emotion. As her tears fell down her cheeks, blood fell from my arms. My vision blurred, and I was crying again. I could see her hand in from of me. I rubbed my eyes to clear my sight. Slowly, she rolled up her sleeve. B revealed her light tan littered in scars. I gasped a little, staring her in the eyes. I took her opened hand and she pulled me towards her. Her long arms wrapped around my chest, pulling me tight into a hug.

"You may need to lean over, but you always have my shoulder to cry on." B whispered. I chuckled softly, tears rolling off my cheeks still.

It was going to take us a long time to get any better.

And we both knew it.

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