Chapter 1

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This is the sequel to the book Hunting Love and it's really helpful if you read that book first so that you would understand some of the events that happen here. I'm not going to explain a lot of things that were emphasized in the first book so just read that book first before jumping over here.

But other than that, happy reading :)

Sabrina's POV

I pull my beanie further down my head while keeping an eye on Drew, who was currently negotiating with someone on a house. Okay let me rephrase that: I'm hiding behind a tree while Drew threatens to kill someone for a house.

We needed a private place in the woods and since we had no money to actually buy a house in the woods, I suggested that we just build one. Of course Drew said no and that it's easier to just 'borrow' a house from someone else. I knew what he was hinting at and normally I would have said no, but I was dead tired and just agreed to whatever he was saying. 

I blew out a puff of air while shifting my feet, the snow under my boots making the situation much more difficult for me. Peeking around the tree, I give a small smile seeing Drew get more and more riled up. I can tell that he's trying not to lash out and kill since I'm completely against harming another human but I was ready to throw my morals to the side for five minutes if it meant a place to sleep.

Drew made eye contact with me and I gave him a subtle nod while showing my fangs, hoping he gets the message. I see a hint of a grin before a woman's scream pierces through the air, making some of the birds fly out of hiding. My eyes slam shut and I huddle closer towards the tree, covering my ears. 

Just because I gave him the okay to do the deed didn't mean that I fully supported it. 

A warm, comforting scent envelops me before I feel strong arms wrap around my shoulders. "I know you didn't like that and I'm sorry," he mumbles, kissing the side of my head.

Shaking my head, I shrug his shoulders off and face him with a small smile. "It's fine. I know that the...deed needed to be done. How's the place though?" I ask, wanting to change the subject. He looks back at the decent sized house with a small grimace at the bodies that he didn't even bother to hide.

"It's good enough for the day," he replies, making me frown. I know that's just his way of saying that we can only stay there for ten hours at most before police come and investigate. It took us weeks to learn everything that changed since that one witch practically reversed history around but we quickly learned to adjust.

For me, the hardest part was trying to replace the memories in my head with the new historic changes. Apparently the Cold War was replaced with something called World War II but it happened on a different date. Since the Cold War for us took many years, apparently they split it up into two world wars. 

Of course Drew made sure to learn everything that changed and he was quickly absorbing all the new  changes so that we wouldn't stand out, but I was still a little wary on that. It just feels like we're throwing away our past in a way. Our real past. I know that memories of vampires ever ruling the world had to be replaced and all but that didn't mean that we had to forget about our real history.

My eyes wander over to Drew dragging the bodies away before I follow him inside the house. I haven't told him about what I thought about any of this because I don't think he'll understand. As far as he's concerned, what happens in the past was well...the past. For some reason he's been dodging every attempt of me trying to get him to talk about it and I could take the hint that he wanted to avoid the topic.

The question though is why.

"Since we can't stay here for too long, we should plan where we're heading to next," Drew states, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I sit down gingerly on one of the couches and take off the beanie from my head. "Where are we though?" I ask. 

"Just crossed the borders of Canada a few hundred miles ago. I'm not sure how far north you want us to go or if you're good here," he responds, sitting down next to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

The simple act of affection makes me smile and I lean closer towards him. "I'm fine here. But maybe we could go north a few more miles so we're far away from them as possible. That or we just find a permanent place to live. I'm tired of hopping from house to house," I groan, digging my head deeper into his strong shoulders.

"Are you hungry, love?" he asks instead.

I lick my fangs before slowly shaking my head. "I just fed earlier. I know you're tired though since the sun's coming out so just rest," I tell him.

He lets out a groan of protest making me chuckle. "I don't want to leave you alone though," he complains. "And don't even give me the bullshit about you sleeping with me since I know you stay up the entire time and have that terrible habit of leaving whenever you feel like it," he says, before I could even open my mouth.

Rolling my eyes, I stand up and tug on his arm, knowing full well that I'm not strong enough to actually drag him to bed. "Please Drew? I promise I won't leave the bedroom. I just don't want you losing sleep because of me," I tell him.

Slowly, he stands up and starts to shuffle towards the bedroom with me trying with all my might to drag him. Damn him and his full vampire strength! "You know, it's really more convenient if you adjust your sleeping schedule since yours is more adjustable than mine," he says.

"I tried already and it didn't work," I remind him, opening the door to the master bedroom that I've sniffed out. It's a good sized room but the fact that other people have slept and made love here makes me sick to my stomach.

Man am I glad that I'm not laying in that bed today.

"Can you really survive on just sleeping a couple times a week? Are you sure that's not just some habit you can't break?" he questions, laying on top of the covers instead of getting under it. 

I walk over to the windows and start pulling the blinds closed, knowing that the sunrise was going to hurt him. "It's not a habit. I've tried many times before to fall asleep once a day but I guess I was just born to sleep only for a few times a week," I tell him. 

Instead of mentioning something, anything, about the past like I had hoped, he just mumbles some incoherent response before waving me over. Sighing quietly at the lack of response from him, I walk over to where he is and sit down by the bed.

He tugs my shirt and I fall into the bed facefirst. "Drew!" I exclaim, laughing a little. The smallest smile is on his face as he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me impossibly closer to his body. "I can't breathe!"

"You'll live," he mumbles back, hugging me closer. "Please don't leave." Even though he's already half asleep, I could hear the desperate, begging tone of his voice.

"I won't," I reassure him, for the fiftieth time today. Even when his breathing evens out, I lay still motionless on the bed, rubbing my hand across his arms.

Even though this isn't our house and we might still have a long way to go before we find a permanent one, our life is still pretty good. For now at least.


I'm going to keep the chapters of this book short since I don't want to drag it on, you know? I will post more often though because of that. I'm also still unsure of how long the book is going to be but I do have ideas on events that need to take place between the two.

Just for the readers who read the Forever series first, Nebraska is not going to make an appearance since this takes place way before Layton even met Braska. He will make appearances every now and then but he'll still be single.

Anyways, leave a vote and comment letting me know what you think. 

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