Chapter 5

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A fancier version of the house ^^ Just imagine it without the lights on the outside

Chapter 5

The aroma hits me and I try not to breathe too deeply once I see a nurse roll in a table filled with different items. One stood out: the blood bag.

Drew takes it with a smile and signs it off while I look away and try to keep the smell away from me. Slow, tiny breaths. You can do this Sabrina. You're a strong, well-controlled girl who doesn't need human blood.

An arm wraps around me making me jump before turning to see Drew's worried but slightly amused eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just zoning out," I reply, trying not to look at the item in his hand. Just hurry up and suck it already! I can't silently suffer forever! 

We walk outside and towards a secluded part behind a tree. I walk towards the railing separating us from the dock and take in the smell of the ocean. I try not to focus on the gulping and slushing noise behind me but it's really hard when Drew is a really loud drinker.

After a few seconds, the sound stops and I peek around my shoulder to see him stuff random leaves and dirt in the empty bag before tossing it in the trash. He makes his way over to me and wraps his arms around my neck while resting his head on top of mine. "Do you like the ocean?" he asks, after a few silent minutes.

"Not really. I'm not big on swimming. I like the smell though," I reply, looking up at the moon. We have about six more hours of darkness before I have to get Drew back inside. I think the last time I slept was five days ago so I should try to sleep this morning.

I feel him nod on top of my head before he tightens his grip slightly. "Wanna go somewhere with me?" he asks, making me cock an eyebrow but I keep my gaze towards the ocean.

"Don't I go everywhere with you already?" I tell him, making him let out a laugh. I smile against the relaxing vibrations of his chest while leaning my head against him. I don't need to look at him to know that the dimples on his cheek are visible and his eyes are slightly closed like it usually is when he laughs. His voice is deeper than Layton's but more high pitched than Brandon's. It sounds manly but not in a sick-with-the-plague kind of way.

He lets out a sigh before replying. "True, but I mean as a surprise this time."

"You barely even tell me where we're going. Sometimes you don't even know where you're going," I tell him, shaking my head a bit. Of course we're both shit at directions, but we have different skills when it comes to parts of it. I can tell which is north or west and what time it is without a watch. He has the social skills to ask for directions.

"This time it's a real surprise. Like a birthday present sort of," he says, making me smile before I frown. Birthday present...

He notices my change in mood but doesn't say anything, which I'm thankful for. That's one of the things that I love about him, he doesn't pry...much. Of course he'll ask and ask and take a small break before asking again but that's expected. He also knows when something's too much for me to talk about and he'll let it be. He'll hint at it but he won't downright ask me directly.

Although, I want to tell him everything. Now that things are good between us, I want to be able to share everything I've been holding to myself since I was born. I just don't want to make things worse between us. I already know that Drew feels bad about what happened at the castle and he's apologized profusely for it and I told him many times that I forgive him, but sometimes I feel like he's still working for my forgiveness.

I don't think he realizes that I've forgiven him the moment he chose me over his family. He chose me over the throne. He chose me over everything he's worked for since he was young. The sacrifices he's made just by accepting to be with me is more than enough for my forgiveness. I just wish he realizes that instead of mentally kicking himself all the time.

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