Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Drew's POV

I grab Maybelle's arms and hold her away from me as she tries to hit and kick me while screaming profanities. Brandon comes over and holds her towards his chest, making me breathe out a sigh of relief but it's not enough to stop her from screaming at me.

"Enough!" I snap, making her shut her mouth but the look she's giving me could bury me six feet under. "Stop looking at me like that and fucking tell me what's going on!"

"What do you think? You made Sabrina go and on top of that, you let her run! You're the one over here screaming at her about not leaving your side but you're not even chasing her!"

"Would you like to run after her?" I sarcastically bite out, knowing full well that she knows none of us can catch up to her when she runs her fastest speed. It's one of the things I hate that I love about her. "If I run after her, it's going to encourage her to run further away. If I don't run after her, she won't go far and I'll be able to find her."

"How sure are you of that?" Brandon quietly asks, tightening his grip on Maybelle.

"She hasn't slept in almost five days. If not next morning, she's going to need to sleep the day after. I'll easily find her and explain my side of the situation with her when she's too tired to fight back and argue with me," I shrug.

"Oh okay, so you guys have marked each other then," Braydon says, making me close my eyes and rub my forehead. Crap. That just makes my plan ten times harder. "Are- are you serious? Wait Drew, tell me you guys have kissed by now?" he asks, giving me a serious look that I'm not used to seeing on him.

I blow out a breath and decide that it's better to tell them since they might be able to find a loophole. I'm too drained to think clearly. "No, we haven't kissed yet. Don't give me that look! I have my reasons," I defend, crossing my arms while leaning against a nearby tree.

"I'd love to hear it," Maybelle bites out, relaxing a little when Brandon starts massaging her shoulders.

Instead of answering her question, I just change the topic. "Look, I need your help in finding out why she was here pissed and fighting Karla. Most of the resentment has to come from back then right?" I ask.

Maybelle rolls her eyes at my obvious refusal to answer her question while Brandon asks, "Drew, what's Karla even doing here? Wait a second, wasn't it the last time you saw her you banned her from the castle or something? What exactly happened?"

I sigh and think back to that day. "At the time, I thought Karla was just a little misguided-"

"A little?" Braydon cuts in, cocking an eyebrow at me as an amused smile stretches across his face. I give him a deadpan look and keep going.

"I wanted her to be far away from Sabrina and I at the time, so I asked one of Mike's friends if they could drag her up north and to let me know exactly where she is once she's settled in," I explain. Deep down past my anger towards Karla that night, she was still special to me. Had there been no such thing as mates or had I never met Sabrina, I was considering staying with Karla for the long run. I needed someone to help me rule by my side and Karla thrived in that area.

But things changed. Mates do exist and I met mine. Granted we didn't start off too great, but what matters is that we stuck together. Spending time with Sabrina showed me ugly sides of Karla that I didn't even realize were there. Sabrina taught me things about myself that I didn't realize I was capable of. Sabrina has changed me for the better.

If mates didn't exist and I had to choose between Sabrina and Karla, Sabrina would win. No contest about it.

Now if I could just explain that to her. I don't understand why she reacted so horribly. I thought she knew about Karla being sent to the north. After all, I'm pretty sure that the twins or Maybelle told her while I was busy helping with the preparations for sending Karla out. But that doesn't explain why she was so mad about it.

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