Chapter 8

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It took me hella long to find another picture of Mike because I legit forgot who I used to play him earlier 

Chapter 8

"This looks like the way to the airport," I point out casually, looking around as to not look so suspicious with my question. 

From the corner of my eye, I see Drew give me a weird look before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to his body. "What are you talking about? The airport is completely on the other side. We're going to the furniture store or whatever the hell it's called. I know it's a different route but I don't want to go by the bars since-"

"He's scared I'll bite some girl who shoves her neck at me, no matter how willing," Mike interrupts, practically inserting himself in between Drew and I.

I flinch away from him before seeing Drew roll his eyes and push Mike away and pulling me back towards him. "Go the fuck away," he grumbles. Of course, Mike acts like Drew didn't talk and starts walking on the other side of Drew. Well there goes a comfortable and private conversation between us.

"Nah man, you know why I'm-"

"Besides," Drew immediately interrupts, making me raise an eyebrow at him. That was almost too quick of an interruption, almost as if he was scared of the next words that would come out of Mike's mouth. Seems pretty sketchy. "-gonna get us in trouble," he finishes, and I realize that I completely tuned out almost everything he said. 

I look over and see Mike shake his head with the same cocky smile. The amount of self-control I'm using to not slap that stupid smirk off his face is overwhelming. "Sure. Anyways, how long until we get there because my legs are killing me," he complains.

"You get pretty tired easily for a vampire," I tell him, stopping with the group as we wait to cross the street.

"Real observant there sweetheart-"

"Don't ever call her that," Drew groans, hitting Mike at the back of his head with his free hand. 

Mike doesn't miss a beat and continues talking. "And anyways, the reason I get tired too fast for your liking is because-"

"Well look what the depths of hell brought up," a sinister, deep voice says. I start tensing up along with Drew before we turn around to see ten guys dressed in all black carrying guns and knives in their hands glaring at us. 

I quickly scan all of them quickly to see which one would be the biggest threat. They're all roughly the same height, maybe a couple inches difference between the tallest and shortest one. The black clothing would have made it pretty difficult to see them in the night if it weren't for our enhanced vision. The only weapons each of them seem to have would be the guns and knives. 

The person who I assume to be the leader of the gang steps up and lifts his head, exposing his face to us in the moonlight. A hard face sharp with tension stares at us with eyes that appear to be blank but are full of danger. The corner of his lips lift up, slightly ruining the fear effect his blank face would have had on us. "You night demons don't belong here," he says. 

"Night demons? That's new," Mike scoffs, making me glare at him. Is he trying to get us killed?! 

Just because they're human doesn't mean that they're really weak. Okay maybe compared to us they are, but it's ten against three. They could easily have three guys on each of us with one guy sneaking up to the weakest one: me. 

"Would you prefer killers? Murderers? Freaks of nature?" he taunts, slowly inching his hand towards his knife. I quickly look at the other guys to see that their hands are already set on the guns on their waist. I tighten my grip on Drew's arm before looking around for the safest place to drag him too once I even hear the fabric rustle. 

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