Chapter 16

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Short little filler chapter into the mind of Karla along with an extra long authors note. Be warned

Chapter 16

Karla's POV

"You're good to go. It seems like your vitals are stable enough, which is a surprise considering the state you were brought in. It's almost like a miracle," one of the nurses says, with an excited smile on her face. Miracle? More like dark magic. I smirk at my own joke before putting on my blank face again.

"When can I get out?" I ask.

"Anytime now. Your clothes are in the bag over there so just change and then sign yourself out at the receptionist on this floor," she tells me and I nod. Without waiting for her to leave, I get up and grab the bag before changing right on the spot. I'm not ashamed of my body.

I keep my back towards her as I shrug on a black tank top with dark sweats. I slip on the sandals they give me before I look at my reflection in the mirror. God I look so good, even after the little accident.

I glare at nothing in particular as I remember the little fight that I had with the half-breed. Ugh, I can't believe she of all people managed to put quite a dent on me. She's lucky I was too distracted to use any magic on her. That's the last time I ever go easy on her.

Next time she comes near me, I'm going to get her right where it hurts.

Thinking of my plan, I smirk to myself in the mirror before turning around and strutting back out of the hospital room. The second I open the door, I roll my eyes at the sight that greets me. Ugh, of course they would choose the spot right outside my door to cuddle each other. Do they have any class?

I cross my arms and narrow my eyes further when Drew squeezes Sabrina further against his chest. It's almost like he's trying to inhale her, it's so disgusting.

He used to hold me like that...

Stop it! I shake my head from my thoughts before walking towards the receptionist. I sign myself out before looking back at the sleeping couple.

Just you wait. As soon as everything falls into place, I'm going to get my revenge.

Revenge on the little freak of nature that is.


"You mean she's not dead?" he repeats, his eyes wide. "That's impossible. I sent ten of my best guys on her. She should have been dead!"

"Well she's not!" I snap, twirling a piece of my hair around with one finger. "Because of your inability, I had to do the job myself."

"Is she dead or not?" he asks, and I let out a frustrated sigh. Of all the people that run the organization, they elected the dumbest of them all to lead them. Bad move.

Remembering what happened at the park made my anger spike tenfold but I keep a neutral face on. Can't let these people know how I really feel. "Her little guard dog stepped in before I could get a good hit on her," I reply, crossing my arms.

He opens his mouth to say something but one look from me has him shutting it right back up. Yeah, that's what I thought. After a few moments of silence, he starts to talk again. "What do you suggest then? It's one thing to go against her one-on-one, but it's near impossible to go against Drew. There's something about him that makes it nearly impossible to kill him."

"What? Your guys don't wanna kill an exiled prince or something?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion.

He shakes his head. "No. Look, I'm not saying this for sure, but there might be a reason why he's got some dirty dhampir for a mate. Let's be honest, no vampire would put up with her."

Hearing that grabs my interest and I lean in closer towards him. "What are you suggesting?"

He clears his throat before grabbing some files from his desk. "I'm suggesting that there might be something in his blood, or DNA, that's different from normal vampires. I can't say anything for sure but something's definitely off about Drew."

"Get a guy on it then," I tell him, shrugging. If there's something different about Drew then just have someone investigate. Simple.

He sighs like I'm saying something impossible. "It's not something that's easily found from his files or anything. No amount of digging will give me that info."

"Then what do you need?" I ask.

"Someone close to him. I know that Drew knows what's different about him, but he won't tell. That means we need to get that information from someone who's close enough to him that he'll tell them or we need to get him to tell us himself. Although, the latter is more impossible," he grumbles, scratching his head.

I smirk before getting up. "I'll get the information you need. On one condition."

"What is it?"

"The girl dies. I don't care how, just get it done," I say, before turning around and walking away.

"You have my word!" he shouts after me and I grin.


I just had the most eye-opening experiences of my life. Okay so one of my favorite authors, I think one of the first I ever followed in here, had a reading list so I decide why not cuz good author = good book tastes. It was a good book yes but then I start reading the comment section and I'm shocked because of how rude some of the responses are that my favorite author gave.

That really cut into me because for the longest time, I looked up to that author and used her books as inspiration to write my own stories. One person just asked for clarification and my author basically called her an idiot because she, and I quote, "didn't know how to properly read a book if she can't remember this simple event". She said worse things but I don't like swearing when it's not from my characters sorry.

Guys, this is a free writing site.
Please don't be mean to each other. Just because you have loads of followers and a successful book(s) does not mean you get off the hook for being rude and (excuse my language) bitchy. There's certain ways to respond to comments but calling people dumb, ignorant, or stupid because they don't understand something isn't it.

I'm not going to say who the author is because I don't want to put her on blast any more than I already have but if what I just wrote sounds like you...please be nicer with your responses. Maybe say the mean things in your head and write the neutral or nice things down before posting it. Just be nicer and I'll try to do the same since I never want to come off as rude or disrespectful to anyone.

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