Chapter 17

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There's gonna be events here that aren't mentioned in Hunting Love because I haven't revised it yet so please just go with it. I'll take out this author's note when I've rewritten the whole story but in the meantime, I just wanted to let you guys know that.

Once again, there's events here that are mentioned to happen in Hunting Love but didn't actually happen because I haven't rewritten it yet. I promise I'll rewrite it and answer any questions you guys might have :)

Chapter 17

"Thanks for helping out, Braydon," I say, smiling at him from the passenger seat.

He gives me a small smile back before focusing back on the dirt road leading towards our house. The windows in his car and tinted extremely dark and it's close to dusk so Drew should be waking up sooner. I'd prefer that he sleeps the entire night and through the next morning so he can catch up on his rest but knowing him, he'll be up and about probably before I can drag him to the bedroom.

"Of course. Anything for you," he replies, and the atmosphere suddenly becomes awkward again. I turn back to see Drew still completely passed out and since his eyebrows aren't shifting around like they usually are, that means that he isn't pretending to be asleep. 

I glance at Braydon from the corner of my eye before looking back down at my lap. We both try to hide it as best as we can but whenever it's just the both of us the air just feels so awkward. I know that we both had the agreement to pretend that nothing happened between us but the air just doesn't seem clear yet.

The closer we get to the house, the more uneasy I feel and I decide to just get this talk over with. "How are you?" I cautiously ask, not knowing how to approach the real question at hand.

"Fine. Brandon took Maybelle out for a date or wherever the two lovebirds go so I wasn't doing anything important anyways," he replies. I bite my lip at his obvious refusal to answer the real question before clearing my throat.

"You know that's not what I meant."

It takes a couple of silent minutes before he finally lets out a sigh. "I would never get between two soulmates. You and Drew are perfect for each other and I completely support you guys," he says. I turn back and carefully watch Drew and turn back around after making sure that he's still knocked out. Wouldn't want him overhearing this conversation...yet.

"I don't want things to be awkward between us," I say, playing with my fingers in my lap. 

"Things aren't awkward between us," he denies, shaking his head.

"Braydon, you won't look me in the eye," I say, calling him out on his lie. 

He narrows his eyes at the road but relaxes back in his seat. "I don't know what you want me to do Sabrina. You know how I felt about you back at the castle and I know that my reaction after knowing about you and Drew probably wasn't reassuring, but I'm fine now. Like I said, I'll never come between two soulmates," he states, but it sounds like he's talking to himself rather than talking to me.

"But underneath that wall, tell me how you're really feeling. You might think that you're completely over it but you won't know unless you say it out loud," I tell him. 

He parks the car right in front of the house but doesn't make a move to get out of the car and neither do I. Drew can sleep in the backseat of the car a little longer, but I need to clear the air between Braydon and I. He's too close of a friend for me to lose over something this small.

Brayton taps his fingers softly against the wheel while rubbing his bottom lip with his right pointer finger. "Look, you know I had feelings for you. I knew you weren't my soulmate since I brushed against you on the way to the castle, but there was this small, selfish side of me hoping that since I thought you were human, that you wouldn't find your mate and that you would settle for me," he explains.

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