Chapter 22

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Omg I'm so sorry for the long wait on this chapter

Chapter 22

"Had a nice sleep?" I ask, when Drew starts shifting around. 

He groans and turns around and gives me a half smile before slowly nodding. "Did you leave?"

I chuckle and shake my head. "Nope. I just left the bed a few minutes ago to check the time and you started to wake up right when I got back," I tell him, standing up from the chair that I'm sitting in. "Anyways, what's the plan today? And the next? And the next? And for however long we're staying here?" I ask, hoping that he would spill on the reason why we're on this getaway trip.

Drew gives me a look and gets up from the bed before making his way to the bathroom. "You'll find out soon enough. Just change into something comfortable."

"I already did," I whine, motioning to what I'm wearing. In the few minutes that it took me to check the time, I did decide to change into a pair of skinny jeans and a cute top that I didn't even know Drew brought for me. We should really start shopping together because half the clothes I saw I didn't even realize I had.

"Well then you're going to have to wait for me to get ready!" he shouts from the bathroom, and I roll my eyes. 

"How long does it even take for you to get ready?" I shout back, running my hands through my hair. 

"You're always welcome to come inside and rush me!" he replies, with a clear suggestive tone. I roll my eyes and turn away from the bathroom door, biting my lip while thinking over his reply. 

I've noticed it for a while now but I let it go because I thought it's something that normal mates do, but since Drew made it clear that we're not going to mark each other soon it's weird that he keeps making remotely sexual jokes. Kissing each other on the cheek or forehead is the most intimate we've ever physically gotten with each other. 

Of course I want to move forward. I want Drew to mark me and I want us to connect and be bonded in the same level that Maybelle and Brandon are. I know we agreed to not move forward too quickly until we learn to trust each other more but I think we're at a good level already. We talk every morning about any underlying issues between us. At the moment, Karla is no longer a threat to me. She's thousands of miles away and I'm confident that Drew no longer has any romantic feelings towards her.

The only thing that's still a bit of a problem is Drew's bad habit of not completely opening up to me. I can tell that my past is still a sensitive topic for him but I've been forcing him to hear me out. He needs to hear all the shit that I've grown up with and he needs to understand that I don't hold any bad feelings towards him from the castle. I mean, how could I? I didn't tell him we were mates so I can't blame him for not treating me like one.

When I hear the shower water stop running, I grab my shoes from the side and start lacing them up, keeping my back turned towards the door. Drew will be able to tell that there's something on my mind and I'm not sure if I'll be able to hide it from him. I just need a few seconds to clear my head before facing him again.

"Go take a shower," I hear Drew mutter from behind me, before I hear the sound of a drawer being pulled open.

"I just took one!" I exclaim, before looking up and trying to remember when was the last time I actually did take a shower. I peek over my shoulder to see Drew cock an eyebrow at me and I just sigh. "Drew, I swear I don't need one! Smell me, I'm clean!"

"You haven't taken one in over a least!" Okay that's a lie because I know I took a shower recently. Not recently to the point where I remember the exact date but recently that I know that I took one this month. "It's not that bad. Are you scared of water or something?"

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