Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Do you need blood?" Drew asks, pulling the blinds of the curtains back. 

I slowly nod while finger combing my hair. "Yeah, I'll probably just catch a deer or something in the woods. What are the plans for the da- night?" 

He grabs his phone from his pocket and I raise an eyebrow at him. "We're gonna have to go get furniture to stock this place first. Mike and-"

"Please don't tell me they're coming along with us," I groan, falling back on the mattress. 

I feel him sit down beside me before rubbing my arm. "I know that you're not comfortable with him but he won't even come talk to you. I already told him that he can't interact with you more than necessary so that shouldn't be a problem," he says.

"More than necessary? Why does he have to hang around so much in the first place? Isn't he just your friend?" I question, sitting back up.

"Well...yes, but I haven't seen him in such a long time so it's a good thing for me to be around his company," he replies, shrugging his shoulders.

"Then go hang out with him and leave me out of it," I tell him. It's that simple. If he wants to hang out with Mike then by all means, he can! Just as long as I don't have to hang around that guy then I'm good. I just get a weird feeling with him and not the good kind of weird feeling either.

"I'm not leaving you alone," he scoffs, getting up and walking out of the room. I roll my eyes at his behavior before standing up. Drew forget to mention anything about picking Maybelle, Brandon, and Braydon from the airport, which I know he's doing tonight. At this point it's looking more like he's just refusing to tell me rather than forgetting to tell me.

Of course I trust Drew with my life and I believe that there's a reason for everything that he's doing, but it's starting to get harder for everything that he doesn't tell me about. I don't care if this is the only thing that he's keeping from me; I don't want this to become a habit for him. I don't want him to start getting used to not telling me things thinking that I don't notice.

Take Mike and his buddies for example. I get that he's Drew's friend and Drew hasn't seem him in centuries and all that but there's something about Mike that he's not telling me. He hasn't told me anything about Mike other than the fact that he was once part of a royal family. With my experience from royal families, there's something that has to be off about his.

When I walk downstairs, I see Drew digging through the fridge. "What's in there?" I ask, looking around his body before grimacing. Blood bags, gross.

He gives me a sheepish smile before closing the fridge after he grabs one. "Sorry. I know you don't like it but-"

"It's fine, you need it to survive," I sigh, walking away from the kitchen.

"Sabrina wait," he calls out, and I hear his footsteps following him.

I turn around and hold my hand out to him making him stop in his tracks. "Drew, I really don't want to hear, see, or smell you drinking that so please do so quickly in the kitchen and come back after you rinse your mouth," I tell him.

He gives me a half smile before retreating and I lean against the wall waiting for him. Despite my distance from the kitchen, my sensitive sense of hearing is still able to pick up the sound of the thick liquid running down his throat making me grimace. Looking out the open window, I try to count the number of lines on the closest tree to try and block out the sound and smell of the blood.

I get to about eighty before I feel his arms wrap around my shoulders and the comforting sparks rush up my back making me curl my toes. "Ready to go?" he asks, wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve.

"Where first?" I ask, turning around to look at his face.

"Furniture shopping. It'll be better to get it over with quickly. The sooner we can stock this place up the sooner we can actually sleep on beds and not just the couch," he says, starting to walk away but I grab his arms.

"Drew! We can't just 'get it over with'. We have to plan all this out so we don't end up buying furniture that we don't need or won't like in the future. That means we need to plan not only design, but also color scheme and we can't have too many of a certain item but we need more of another so we should-"

My train of thought stops just as a hand covers my mouth closed making me glare at Drew's amused light eyes. "You have got to stop talking to Maybelle too much," he says, chuckling a little as he removes his hand from my mouth.

"You seem to have trouble doing that too," I grumble, brushing my shirt off as he turns back to look at me with a confused expression. Honestly I have no idea how we managed to shoplift so many stores for clothes but I'm sure the owners don't mind, have forgotten, or are dead. Now I'm not sure where Drew's been hoarding all our clothes or why they suddenly appeared in our closet but something tells me his old buddy of his has something to do with it.

Have I mentioned how much I really don't like Mike? I don't say hate because that's a strong word to use against people and trust me, I'm extremely familiar with hearing that word directed towards me back in the old days so I know how it feels.

"What did you say?" Drew asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing," I reply, shaking my head before giving him a smile. It's nothing worth arguing about and I really don't want to argue with Drew. I will if I have to but honestly, why would I if I can avoid it in the first place?

Drew just shrugs and takes my hand before we leave the house. As we start the walk back to the city, I discreetly look over my shoulder and almost throw a tantrum when I see a lone figure following us. Judging by the smoke coming from his hand, it must be Mike smoking his cancer stick. Can vampires even get cancer? 

The city was peaceful and quiet since not many humans are out, which is a given considering it's the middle of the night. Still, I'm happy for the peace and quiet. 

Too bad the peace and quiet didn't last.


I'm so sorry for the late update. A few days ago I got really sick and I'm still barely trying to fight off the virus. I thought my immune system could handle it since I chug vitamin C like it's water but the second I needed them to really put it work they just bail on me :/ 

Speaking of which, anyone got any tips to like loosen up congestion in your chest or lessen the pressure on your ears? Like every time I swallow my upper throat (I'm sorry I don't have anatomy) and my ears hurt and I don't know what to do.

Anyways, hope you like the chapter! I'll try to update the next one asap. Remember to vote and comment :)

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