Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Sabrina's POV

This is completely ridiculous. I roll my eyes when one of the employees at the hotel turns his back towards me to fetch a glass. A glass. One glass. Why do we need one more glass? There's only two of us in the room and we don't need exactly ten glasses. 

The woman comes back and hands me a clean glass with a small smile. "Thank you," I sigh, before turning around and making my way back towards the room. Drew is insane for having me do this. No he didn't force me to do this but he seemed jumpy to get me out of the room. I wonder why that is though.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I let out another quiet sigh before beginning the climb. I guess the only con of not riding the moving deathtrap is that our room is all the way on the top floor. I forgot how many floors there are since I didn't get a good look at the keypad on the elevator but there has to be at least twenty.

Once I finally reached the top- thank God for vampire stamina- I make my way towards the room and insert the key. As I push the door open, I peek to make sure that the glass is all cleaned up before walking inside and shutting the door behind me. "Drew!" I call out, placing the key back on the counter.

"I'm in the bathroom!" he replies, making me frown. Is he taking another shower? 

"Are you taking another shower? That's a little extreme, don't you think?" I question, placing the glass inside the cupboard with the rest of the glasses. Although, nothing is more extreme than him having me go get another glass because the number nine doesn't sit well with him. 

"I'm not taking another shower, I'm brushing my teeth. Tell me you brushed your teeth this morning," he says, and I scoff feeling slightly offended.

"Of course I brushed my teeth!"

"Just making sure. I wasn't sure if your water thing was restricted to just showering or if it involved all bathroom activities," he replies. The tone in his voice gives away that he's just teasing me so I roll my eyes and take a seat on the couch before grabbing my remote to scroll to another channel. How much reality TV can someone take in one day anyways?

"When are we leaving?" I ask, once he steps back into the room.

He takes a seat next to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder and I instinctively lean my head against his shoulder. "We should get going before eleven, so we have another ten minutes to kill," he says.

"What do you want to do in those ten minutes?" I ask, looking at him curiously.

His gaze falls down on my face and he lets out a small smile. "I'm doing it right now," he replies, squeezing my shoulder slightly before relaxing his hold on him. I beam at him in return and close my eyes while just taking in his presence. 

The way his body feels on mine is like a feeling that I can't even describe. Everything about him, from his touch to his smell, comforts me in a way where I feel that nothing can hurt me just as long as I'm with him. As long as I'm with him, no matter what we're doing, I know that everything is going to be okay in the end. It's hard to believe that when I first met him, all I could think about was how I was going to adjust to not being with him. And now, not being with him isn't an option. I can't imagine a life without him and frankly I don't want to. 

"What are you thinking about?" he softly asks.

How much you mean to me. "Nothing much. Just excited to go to wherever we're going," I reply, adjusting so that my legs are underneath me. 

"We're just waiting for Layton to get here. Levi texted me earlier when I was in the bathroom that they're on their way here already," he tells me.

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