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Long A/N at the end but please read :)


I trace my fingers down the contours of Drew's face as he peacefully sleeps the day away. He's told me multiple times before that he doesn't like that I can stay up for days on end without sleep while he couldn't. He says that he wants to be able to keep me company in case I feel lonely but I never feel lonely around him.

I hear something buzzing so I turn around and grab Drew's phone from the dresser. Making sure that the brightness is turned down and faced away from Drew so that it doesn't wake him, I open his messages and smile when I see that it's a message from Layton before frowning at the contents. What's he saying?

We ended up texting each other back and forth for a bit and each time his messages just keep getting more and more unclear. He's talking about danger then switches to being safe, then something about a human child? Did he turn someone again? For some reason he's also asking about airport information but he flew here before. Our conversation lasts for a good hour before he asks if he can visit. At least that's what I think he's asking. Layton's messages are unclear and I can't text Levi since he broke his phone a month ago in some accident that he won't tell me about .

Biting my lip, I type out a reply before sending the message. Knowing that Layton most likely forgot how to get here from the airport, I send a message to Mike telling him to pick Layton and Levi up from the airport before placing the phone back on the dresser. Layton's message was a bit weird and slightly scary due to the way he worded some things but as long as him and Levi are safe then I'm good.

Speaking of which, I think Drew's parents have left us alone for the most part. Soon after we officially staked our claim on each other, we got attacked on the plane ride back to our home and Drew was pissed.

Extremely pissed.

He was livid to the point where I physically had to restrain him from attacking his parents when he switched our directions and told the pilot to fly us to where his parents were staying. It got to the point where I threatened to stab myself if he didn't calm down. Of course I wasn't going to really do it but at least it got his attention.

Eventually everyone did calm down and after an extremely tense dinner, we all met up in the office and had a discussion. His parents again stated how they highly disapprove of me and Drew told them that they can shove their opinions up their asses because he didn't care. Okay he didn't really say those exact words but the meaning was there. Finally, after two hours of talking where I was bored out of my mind and only added in my input maybe about twice, his parents finally got the hint how happy we were together and that we didn't care about their opinions of us. Ever since then we've barely had problems with them.

Of course there were still vampire hunters around but Mike and his gang of jailbirds have been taking care of them. Plus there's not a lot in this part of Canada anyways so we didn't really have a lot to worry about. As long as we're extremely careful then we won't be exposed. Despite that, Drew has started stocking up on weapons since he claims that he won't take any risks when it comes to us. I don't mind as long as he comes back safe.

Things between Drew and I have been stronger than ever. Even though we've already made love to each other, multiple times, we still continue the tradition of talking about ourselves and each other everyday before he falls asleep. It helped us not carry on arguments for more than a day, even though we don't really argue that much.

A couple of hours later, the sun finally completely set over the horizon. Knowing that Drew was going to be up soon, I get up from the bed and make my way towards the kitchen to prepare him some blood. I had my fill yesterday so I don't need any until later next morning. I can go for another few days but lately Drew's been saying something about a healthy blood diet so I'm just going to go with it. No one ever died from too much blood anyways.

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