Chapter 10

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She's so pretty I'm gonna cry (that's Sabrina to the top btw)

Chapter 10

"You're not acting like a mature adult right now," I say, quickening my steps to try and keep up with Drew. 

Further proving my point, he pretends not to hear me and continues walking aimlessly down the street. Thankfully the sun has just set a few minutes ago so we have time during the night. And by we, I really mean him. 

"C'mon Drew, wait up!" I say, getting into a light jog. His long giraffe legs are walking as fast as they can while still appearing human and it's taking my shorter self more effort to keep up with him. "Where are we going?"

He stays silent and I'll admit, it hurts a little. No actually it hurts a lot. I stop a little behind him when he stops at a stoplight and I cross my arms to force myself to not reach out to him. Drew shouldn't be shutting me out of his thoughts, even when it involves me. Especially when it involves me. I'd take him yelling at me over the silent treatment because at least then he's talking.

I look down at the floor at my dirty shoes and try to take a few deep breaths to calm myself down. This is not the time to cry Sabrina! This isn't me, I'm tougher than this. I shouldn't be crying just because the love of my life is ignoring me. Hell it isn't the first time he's ignored me! It just hurts so much though. 

A pale hand appears from my peripheral vision and I look up without moving my head to see Drew in front of my holding his hand out. "The light's green," he says softly. I don't say anything but I crack a smile and place my hand in his. There's still a blank look on his face but at least now I know there's room for conversation between us.

We walk hand in hand towards wherever Drew is leading us. I don't know if he knows where he's going but I don't really care. He probably needs a relaxing walk around town to not only familiarize himself with the area, but also to cool off some steam. It'll be easier to find out why he's mad when he's not mad.

Eventually, I see where he's leading us and I smile. "I thought we needed the others to help us," I tell him, just as we walk inside. 

He shrugs and looks around the area. "We need their help carrying everything. But as for choosing everything, I want it to be between us. It is our home together, so I want everything inside to be something that we both pick out, without outside help or opinion," he tells me.

I follow after him with a growing smile. I wasn't even thinking of it like that. But now that he mentioned it, I really like the idea of the both of us picking the furniture together without outside input. Maybelle and the twins have different taste than I do and I would have just gone with whatever they pick out.

We walk over to the area with all the dining room sets and start roaming around. There's clocks around so I make sure to keep an eye out since I need to make sure Drew gets inside before sunrise. From what the time looks like, we have maybe nine hours until the sun rises, but then we need about twenty minutes to get back home.

"Do you have an idea what you're looking for?" he asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I bite my lip while thinking of a way that we can both get what we want since I'm not sure if we have the same tastes or not. "Can I pick the colors while you pick the style or structure of the furniture? I don't exactly know what kind is good or not but I know what colors go together," I say, looking back to Drew.

He's looking over at me with a small smile and nods his head. "Of course. It'll be easier if you pick the color first so I can pick the actual furniture based off of that," he tells me.

I look around the area and touch a wooden table. The mahogany color reminds me of the color of my room before I was taken to the castle. The bittersweet memories rush through my brain making my mouth twitch. "I like this color," I tell him, tapping the table.

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