Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"What are we even going to use all these rooms for?" I ask, as Drew takes me up to the third floor. Three floors. He built a house for two people with three floors. And it's not like one floor was for one thing either. 

The first floor has the kitchen and dining room, the garage which is weird since we don't plan on driving, a living room, something he calls a den, and an indoor pool which also doesn't make sense since neither of us like swimming.

The second floor has a room that he'll use as his office even though I'm not quite sure what that means, three bathrooms, two other rooms that he says he'll use as guestrooms, and something that he calls a game room which I don't know what it is but he says it'll make more sense when he actually puts something inside.

The last floor has two other bathrooms, a huge room that he doesn't know what to use for but he'll figure it out later, and our bedroom. He opens the double doors connecting to the bedroom and I step inside before looking around.

Just like all the other rooms, it's empty. He points to the large bathroom and to another door that is the walk-in closet. There's only one large window in the bedroom and I step closer before smiling when I see the view.

Our bedroom is at the back of the house, so the window gives me the view of the cliff and a part of the ocean. I can see the outline of the city towards the right of the ocean while the light reflects across the water. The image reminds me of something centuries ago which makes the smile of my face bigger. That was the day that Drew and I first-

"So do you like it?" he asks, coming up to stand next to me.

I stare up to his gray eyes and run my hand through my hair. "Drew...nothing could describe how much I absolutely love this place. How did you even find the time to build it?" I ask.

He clears and rubs the back of his head. "It wasn't just me. Mike and a couple of his friends helped too. That one time you were asleep two months ago I was carrying you on my back while walking around and I found this place. I love the view of the cliff and I decided that this is where I wanted to live with you."

"I fell asleep at night?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrow. That's strange. The times that I do fall sleep it's usually in the morning for Drew's sleep schedule.

He shrugs. "You were really tired and pretty out of it. You slept through the day too now that I think back on it. But anyway, since I didn't want the city bothering us about permits and all that shit that Mike told me about, I told him to get the paperwork ready while I asked his friends to help me build the house."

"Where are his friends?" I ask, since I can see Mike by the cliff swinging his legs off the edge. What if he falls? I may not like him but that didn't mean I want him to die.

"Hell if I know. Anyways, the only times I really helped in building the house was when you fell asleep. When you are asleep, I spent the entire night as late as I can to get as much of it done before leaving the rest to Mike and his friends. Of course I oversaw everything and made Mike practically send me videos of the entire process so I know they didn't screw up. But yeah, that's how this whole thing came together. I did plan the whole structure though," he finishes, looking around the room with a proud glint in his eyes.

The proud glint in his eyes makes my heart feel like it's beating ten times as fast. The fact that he's so proud of something that he did for me makes me absolutely speechless. I think what makes this whole thing even more amazing for me is that he went the extra way to do this.

I never asked him to build a house from scratch. Honestly, I would have been happy with a tiny apartment as long as I have him with me. Hell, even sharing a house with somebody would be bearable if he's with me the entire time. But instead, he found a place that he knew I would love and was a big part in its construction.

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