Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"Why are we at the mall?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows once we park in the empty parking lot. Instead of answering me, Levi leaves without a word with Drew following after him. If his hand wasn't tightly holding onto mine, I probably would still be in the car in shock at why we're at the mall in the first place. 

Here's one thing about Drew that I kind of expected when we first started to get serious; he hates the mall. He doesn't like how there's a lot of people walking around, he doesn't like how loud some people get, he doesn't like how rude half the population is even though he's pretty rude himself, although he is trying to get better at that, and he just doesn't like shopping in general. 

He likes online shopping and making other people do the shopping for him. Usually I'll overhear him send Mike to the mall with specific instructions on what clothes to get for him and Drew himself is the one that orders my clothes online. Every now and then Drew might go shop for something himself but it's always at night in little boutiques that don't get a lot of people.

So why he's willingly standing in front of the biggest mall I have ever seen, without complaining every ten seconds, is beyond me. 

"I'll be somewhere..." Levi trails off, muttering something low under his breath as he starts to walk away from us. 

I stare up at the huge building for a few moments before looking at Drew, who looks bored out of his mind but isn't saying anything. Again, highly unusual since he's never quiet about how he feels. "Why are we here?" I ask again, hoping to get an actual response this time.

Drew shrugs and looks down at me with a small grin. "Well, the house is finished and since we actually have dressers and closets, we need to buy more clothes. I figured that you would want to physically shop for your clothes instead of ordering them online like regular people," he says with a shrug.

I snort before wrapping an arm tightly around his waist. "Thank you for the thought but um, it's close to three AM. Aren't the stores closed at this time?"

"Layton and Levi are handling that minor detail," he replies, leading me towards the mall while my mind starts imagining scenarios of what exactly Layton and Levi are handling.

"Drew...are we breaking, entering, and stealing?"

"Nothing is broken, you enter through a lot of places in life, and it's not stealing if you're paying for it. It's just that we're paying for it without someone watching us."

I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle at his logic. "Really? That's how you're justifying this?"

"Sabrina, at least we're not killing anybody this time-"

"This time," I emphasize, wiggling my eyebrows sarcastically. "Now tell me again how Layton and Levi are handling the situation?"

He clears his throat before shrugging. "I'm not responsible for what my brother and his turned brother does. I just give them an objective, not a method."

I hum from the back of my throat before slowly nodding. As long as Layton and Levi aren't doing anything too bad then I won't throw a fit over it. Honestly I know I've done far worst things than breaking, entering, and stealing so I probably shouldn't even be affected by this at all. 

But I am. As much as I'm getting better at it, there's no fighting the voice at the back of my mind that's still screaming about how much of a monster I am. Having Drew around me certainly helps a lot since he's always showing me that I'm more than what I've been told I am my whole life, but I can't help it.

I know I'm not a monster. But whenever I do something bad, the little voice starts to get clearer and clearer until it seems like it's screaming at me. 

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