Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"Drew! I know you're sleeping because it's noon but open the door!" I yell, slamming my hand against the wooden door. Closing my eyes, I listen intently for another heartbeat that will let me know if Karla is in there or not. I don't here anything out of the ordinary making me smile a little. At least Karla isn't in there. "Drew!"

My hands are starting to hurt from how much I'm banging on the door but it seems that no matter how hard I knock, he can't hear me. That or he's choosing to ignore me. I glare at the fancy wooden door that I won't break down before leaning against it groaning. Great, now what? I don't want to wait for six hours for the sun to go down. 

"Lost cutie?" I groan louder and slowly turn around to glare at Mike's smirking face. He's leaning against a tall tree that's proving shade from the sun. He's wearing a dark hoodie with dark sun glasses and gloves. At least this time he isn't smoking. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

"What are you doing here?" I ask, with a sigh. I'm too emotionally drained to deal with Mike's antics but it would be rude to tell him to go away.

He shrugs while stuffing his hands in his pockets. "Did you forget? Your boyfriend hired me to watch over you guys or something like that. I don't really know what I'm specifically supposed to do but I got the gist of it," he replies, making me nod my head. Oh right, I remember when Drew first introduced us to Mike. I still don't like the guy. "So, where's Drew at?" he asks.

"Shouldn't you know if you were hired to watch us?" I snap, and he raises his eyebrows in shock making me sigh. Great now I feel bad. "I'm sorry for snapping like that. I'm just...I'm really angry right now but I'm sorry for taking it out on you," I apologize.

He slowly nods. I can't tell what his expression is since the hood and glasses are covering most of his face. I wonder what he's thinking of right now. Probably murder. He seems like the type to always have murder at the back of his mind. Is that mean? He starts to talk which makes me focus back to the situation at hand. "So, you're apologizing for taking your anger out on me?" he says, and I nod while looking at him suspiciously. Where's he going with this? "But you're not going to apologize for taking your anger out on Drew?"

I flinch back at the comment. "So you do know what happened!"

"That's not important," he says, easily brushing off my comment which slightly annoys me. "But what is important is that you're here pissed and annoyed, Drew's over at the hospital pissed and confused and-"

"Wait, Drew's at the hospital? Why?" I ask, feeling worry spike in my chest. Did something happen to him? Did he...was he in the sun? Was he looking for me and not watching the time? "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have ran. I should have just gone home and then he wouldn't be in the hospital probably burnt or-"

"Whoa whoa whoa calm down sweetheart," Mike interrupts, chuckling a little. I glare at his reaction while crossing my arms. Drew's probably dying at the hospital and Mike's laughing? What kind of friend does that? "I didn't mean it like that. Drew's at the hospital but he's not the one injured." 

I wait for him to explain further but he keeps his mouth shut with a stupid grin on his face. "Well? What's he doing at the hospital then?" I ask, since Mike doesn't seem like he's going to explain further.

His lips curl up in a smirk before he turns around and starts to slowly walk away. "Why don't you go there and find out yourself? It'll be killing two birds with one stone," he says, before he disappears into the trees.

I sigh in exasperation while throwing my hands up in the air. "Mike! What does that even mean?" I shout into the forest, only to receive chirping noises from the birds and insects in response. He really is going to make me go to the hospital to find out isn't he? I look back at the house before looking towards the town. I could always wait here for Drew to come back, or I could go to the hospital.

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