Chapter 19

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The bedroom ^^

Chapter 19

I hide behind a wardrobe and peek around the corner as the two girls walk up to Drew, who now switched his attention to sofas. I think he already picked a bed since I saw him talking to an employee and pointing to a frame while I was on my way here.

He turns around and his back stiffens when he sees the two teenagers in front of him. I stifle a laugh while listening to the conversation between them. "Can I help you two with something?" he asks, scratching his forehead. 

The taller one clears her throat and looks around. She seems to be the more confident one out of the pair since she was the one to suggest to talk to him. "We need help finding something," she replies, and her friend nods eagerly along with her.

"I don't work here," Drew blankly replies, walking around them. I shake my head at his rude reply but it is kind of funny. The two pout at each other before sulking away and I couldn't help but giggle while watching them walk towards the exit.

I look around and frown when I don't see Drew anywhere. Wasn't he just here? "Where did he go?" I whisper to myself, standing on my toes in case he's leaning down. 

"Looking for something?"

"Ah!" I shout in shock, flinching away from the voice and turning around. I narrow my eyes when I see Drew start to laugh while leaning against the wardrobe I was just hiding behind. "You're such a jerk!" I grumble, hitting his chest.

He slowly stops laughing but still has a glint in his eyes. "Why were you hiding behind the wardrobe?" he asks, tilting his head.

"I just got here," I lie, shuffling my feet as he cocks an eyebrow at me.

"Really?" he asks, sounding like he doesn't believe me. Still, I nod while giving him a convincing smile. "So you weren't just spying on me as those two girls talked to me?"

Immediately the smile falls from my face and I pout at him. "So you saw me?"

"I smelled you the second you were coming closer. I just wanted to see if you were going to do something besides watch from the side," he replies, shrugging before walking up to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Anyways, did you pick anything out? I already got the bed and other furniture ready. Plus Mike just called and said that the movers are there and he's helping them set up more of the furniture that we got last time."

I frown hearing that Mike's the one in charge of how our home is going to look. Hopefully he doesn't break any of the glass or change anything, I really will hurt him if he does. Well, I won't because he's Drew's friend but I will make the move to hurt him and see if Drew defends him. If he doesn't all bets are off and he's dead.

"No, I couldn't decide on the colors," I tell him, leading him back to the stand with all the paint swatches. "I like the green one," I comment, grabbing the swatches that I liked.

"Get the black one too," he suggests.

"Black's too dark," I tell him.

"That's the point," he says, pointing up to the darkest black in the stand.

"How about we get a color that we both like?" I suggest, not in the mood to get into a fight over something as small as this. I could have just gotten black but like I said it's too dark. It's bad enough that as vampires he can't get out in the light easily. I don't want the bedroom to be as dark as the night when we're most active.

He slowly sighs while looking over the different swatches carefully. "Um...brown or white?"

"How about both?" I say, grabbing both swatches. "Brown because it's reminds me of the land like the color green and white because it's the opposite of black." 

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