Chapter 20

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The inside of the private jet ^^

Chapter 20

"Is there something you wanna tell me?" I ask while leaning my hip against the bathroom door, while watching Drew zip up one of the five luggage that he's packed. "And what are you doing up so early?" It's barely five pm so he shouldn't even be up. The sun's setting but it's still too bright for him to go out.

"We are going on an adventure," he vaguely replies, before standing up and closing the closet. "Do you know how to swim?"

I give him a deadpan look. "You've seen me swim before."

"Oh yeah, I forgot." I roll my eyes at his answer before pushing away from the door and helping him with rolling all the bags downstairs. "Thanks for helping," he mutters, glancing at me before turning his attention to the stairs.

"No problem but what's all this for?" I ask again for the third time. A part of the curtain is lifted so I peek through before seeing a car sitting out in the yard. Mike's talking with a man that I've never seen before but I think he's a friend of Mike. 

I still feel a bit uncomfortable around Mike but I've calmed down near him. As long as he doesn't smoke the cancer sticks near me then I can tolerate him, for the most part. 

"It's a surprise," he replies, smirking at me before heading to the kitchen. Knowing what he's going to do, I rush back up the stairs so that I don't have to hear or smell the liquid. Thankfully Drew started stocking up on animal blood in the fridge so I don't have to go hunting in the forest. I do miss hunting but I'd rather not risk getting caught since I really like the area and I don't want to move. 

I take a quick shower before changing into new clothes and heading back downstairs. By then Drew's done and he's gargling some water in his mouth before spitting it out in the sink. I stare at his back while thinking of all the surprises that he could possibly plan and the reason for them.

The only thing that comes to mind is my birthday, but Drew knows that I really hate it. However, I only told him my exact birthday once and that's when I was drunk enough back when we were traveling through the states. Most vampires can burn off alcohol pretty fast but my alcohol tolerance stems from the human part of my genes, so I got drunk pretty fast.

Instead of helping me, Drew used my drunken state to make me talk. He said the only thing I told him was my birthday along with other things that I've done at the castle. I was a bit mad that he didn't stop me from getting drunk but he gave the explanation that he didn't know my alcohol tolerance so I couldn't get too mad. 

My birthday isn't for another three days but he knows I despise it with my being so he wouldn't do anything too big. What else could it be? Did he screw up and is trying to do something nice before he drops the bad news? If so, what could be so bad that he has to plan a surprise?

The more I think, the more my mind draws to a blank making me sigh. I hate thinking this hard only to come up with nothing. A sharp pain in my forehead makes me let out a yelp of surprise before I pout up at Drew's amused look. "What was that for?" I grumble, rubbing the part of my forehead that he most likely flicked.

"Your eyebrows were furrowed and you looked really frustrated. What are you thinking so hard about?" he curiously asks, wrapping both arms around my shoulders.

"The surprise," I reply, looking back at the luggage through the open door frame. "Why'd you pack clothes?" More importantly, we have enough clothes to take up five luggage?

"Oh." He lets go of me and I follow him into the living room where he grabs a set of car keys that I didn't notice before. "Like I said, it's for the surprise. Now hurry up and drink some blood or something because we have a flight to catch," he says, making my eyes widen. 

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