Chapter 11

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Remember her? ^^

Chapter 11

I shouldn't feel guilty, right? Sneaking out of the house after promising Drew I wouldn't leave to investigate an unknown person trying to reach to him shouldn't be a reason for me to feel guilty right? Oh who am I kidding? I'm as low as low could get.

As I'm closing the door of the house, I could feel sweat rolling down the back of my neck and it wasn't from the heat. Not that there was much heat anyways. 

I look up at the sky and shield my eyes from the sky, even though there's really no reason to. Winter is close to ending so the snow was starting to melt. It's not that cold but even if it was, it wouldn't be something I'm not used to. 

Tapping the phone against the palm of my other hand, I start making my way towards the park where the unknown number and 'Drew' agreed to meet up. I swear this better be one of Mike's sick jokes or something because I'm really ready to kill someone.

Stopping in place, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Just stay calm Sabrina...

Opening my eyes, I give myself a few more seconds with encouraging peptalks about not getting caught with murder before continuing on my way. There's no need to worry about vampires attacking me out in the open because the sun will still burn then to dust.

The closer I get to the park, the more the lump in my throat feels like it's dropping to my stomach. I stuff my phone down my back pocket and force myself to enter the park. There's a lot of families around the park making me frown. There's no way this is where the mystery person asked Drew to meet up.

Just before I take the phone from my pocket to double check the address, I see a lone figure walk away from the chaos of the crowd. Furrowing my eyebrows, I tap the phone before walking after the figure.

I stay a lot of paces behind just in case this person decides to turn around and attack me all of the sudden. I doubt they will since there's a lot of potential witnesses around but it looks like this person is leading me away from them.

Licking my teeth, I feel my fangs start to slowly come out but I don't make a move to retract them back in my gums. Just in case I need to make a quick getaway, I can just bite my arm, throw blood at the person, and run while their insides dissolve. 

Finally, the lone figure stops walking and stands in front of the ocean, gripping the railing that separates the land from the water. After debating for a while, I decide not to move from my spot that's a few feet away. The person is wearing a hoodie so I can't properly see their figure, which is dangerous for me.

"You're not Drew," the person says, not turning around.

I frown hearing the voice. Where have I heard that voice before? It's obvious that it's a girl's voice but I can't make out who it belongs to. Mike's girlfriend? No that's impossible because for one thing, I've never met his girlfriend. Does he even have a girlfriend?

Out of topic. Stay focused Sabrina!

"Who are you and why did you call Drew babe?" I ask, crossing my arms. Okay maybe the last question is unnecessary but it's the one question that's biting at me.

Surprisingly, the girl's shoulders start shaking and from the sounds coming out of her, I can tell that she's laughing. I start scratching my arm just in case I need to make a quick cut.

"I have a right to call my boyfriend that," the girl replies in a sharp, hard tone.

"Boyfriend? Drew isn't your-"

"But he never broke up with me," the girl interrupts, turning around and that's when my eyes widen. She raises her eyebrows at me while I narrow my eyes at her.

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