Chapter 2

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Drew to the top 

*Two weeks later

"Are you sure that this is the best place to live?" Drew asks, looking around.

Nodding, I look around the place with a smile on my face. How could Drew not see the beauty of this place? On one hand, there's many skyscrapers and huge buildings so everything we could ever need to buy is all right here in one place. And on the other side is a dense forest where we, or more him, could hide from the sun and from the public if need be. Plus, there's an ocean nearby! Everything about this place is perfect!

Now we just need a house. But that's where Drew comes in.

"Have you found someone that could sell us a house?" I ask, sitting down on a park bench. It's a little past midnight so we have a little more maybe three hours before Drew has to be indoors. Honestly I'm missing the sun a little bit but Drew is more important to me than the sun.

He takes his phone out before typing something. "Yes I did. Better yet, I found a vampire-"

"No," I deadpan, sitting up straighter.

Cocking an eyebrow, he tightens his grip around my waist before putting his phone down. "Why?"

Instead of answering, I just stand up and start walking towards a random direction in the forest. It wasn't random since I could smell a deer, but I'm not sure how far away it is. I really need to get in tuned with my senses again. Before I could pinpoint distance accurately just from smell and now I can barely tell what kind of animal it is.

I could hear Drew following me and I knew that if I get any closer the deer will hear us since Drew has absolutely no hunting background and he doesn't know how to silence his footsteps in the forest. "Drew-" I start.

"Wait hear me out first," he interrupts, making me close my mouth. "I know how you feel about vampires but you need to understand why I had to depend on one in the first place. A human isn't going to know a good place. I tried talking to two already and they're selfish beings who want to sell the most expensive place thinking that I can't read the actual price on the paper."

"When did you have time to talk to him?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows. 

He ignores my question and continues. "So I met a vampire who had absolutely nothing to do with what happened centuries ago. I never told him what exactly you are but I did mention that you were human- which isn't a lie so don't bite me," he rushes, holding his hands up in defense when I narrow my eyes at him.

"What's he going to think when he sees you, a vampire, close to a 'human'? That I'm dinner?" I ask, crossing my arms and giving him an incredulous look.

"Not quite in the way that he thinks when he hears that phrase," he responds, with a small smirk. I throw a pine cone from the floor at him.

"That's not funny, Drew!" I exclaim, despite hiding a small smile from him. Clearing my throat, I focus back on the actual situation. "Are you sure he isn't going to do anything? I'm telling you now, if he even comes close to being a threat to me I will bite."

Of course I was exaggerating since there's no way I'm strong enough to overpower any vampire. I'll probably just do what I did back at the castle and let him bite me before running away. Not the best way to handle that situation but it works.

"Sabrina," he starts, coming closer and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "I promise you...I will kill him before he even thinks of hurting you."

And I thought my way was bad. 

"Wow, thanks Drew," I say, with no emotion in my voice. He chuckles before starting to walk with me still under his arm. Taking a deep breath, I take his smell before smiling softly to myself. He smells a lot like rain. Not polluted rain but the fresh kind of rain that falls over thick forests and I love that.

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