Chapter 18

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I looked up her height and found out that she's about the height that I made her in this story and I'm like wow I'm better at casting than I thought lol

Chapter 18

It's been a month since Braydon left, and so far things have been peaceful. Too peaceful. 

We spent most of that month with Brandon and Maybelle before they left. They didn't tell us where they were going though but I didn't ask and neither did Drew. But back to the topic, we've been alone for a week now and we spend every morning before he goes to sleep talking about our feelings. Mainly feelings regarding Karla.

It's slightly irritating that he avoids talking about the past but won't shut up when it comes to convincing me that Karla is no longer a threat. Whenever I try to bring up something from the past he would either change the subject or drop the entire conversation. The point of talking is so that we can work out our problems, but it doesn't work if he won't talk about his own problems. 

Tonight, Drew went out to discuss something with Mike. He did try to tell me but I was too mad at him that I wasn't really paying that much attention. It's been two hours since he left and for now I've calmed down enough. I guess ever since my one little breakdown I've been a bit...cautious on my anger.

I don't even know what came over me when I realized that it was Karla standing in front of me. In fact, I don't even remember the fight. All I remember is seeing Karla, remembering everything that happened between us, and suddenly I blank out. I know I didn't pass out or anything but it's like this other spirit came over me and I didn't have control over my body.

Blowing out a breath, I look in a bathroom mirror and narrow my eyes. There's no reflection staring back at me which is a huge downside to being half vampire. I wish I had the human trait of being able to see myself. 

I grip the edge of the sink while leaning over and closing my eyes shut. Losing my control like that just isn't like me at all. What's worse is that I don't even remember exactly what happened during the fight. The only time I've gotten control back from my body is when I was being dragged away but at that time I was still angry.

'You're a monster!'

"No, no I'm not," I whisper, tightening my grip on the sink. My head starts to pound as familiar voices start filling my mind. 

'Kill yourself before you kill someone else!'

I gasp and fall backwards, feeling my back hit the bathroom wall. My hand flies to my chest and I feel it rise and fall at a rapid rate. I look down and see that my hands are shaking and my cheeks feel wet. Slowly, I slide down before pulling my knees to my chest and burying my head in my hands.

The twins don't think I'm a monster. Maybelle and Layton don't think I'm a monster. Drew doesn't think I'm a monster. That's everyone that matters to me and that's everyone whose opinion should matter to me. So why am I getting so worked up over this?

A sudden knock on the door makes me jump and I pause. I look at the time and frown since Drew isn't supposed to be back for another hour or two. I wonder who that is?

An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach and I slowly stand up, wiping off my tears in the process. As I'm making my way to the front door, I look around and grab a baseball bat that Drew bought me when we first crossed through Minnesota. When I reach the front door, I peek through the peek hole and glare seeing three hooded figures standing outside. 

A smirk crosses my face before I swing the bat over one shoulder. Three guys, and one me. I can take them. I grab a sharp object and hide it in my shorts. My absolute last resort is cutting myself and bleeding everywhere until they do.

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