Chapter 21

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If your age still has the ending -teen on it (meaning 13-19) then please answer my question at the bottom of this chapter :) it's nothing serious or anything guys I just really need to get my hw done

Chapter 21

Drew and I end up playing some board game until I hear the attendant or pilot or whoever talks tell us that we have to buckle up for landing soon. I unconsciously let out a whine before Drew starts chuckling at me. "It's okay darling, you weren't really winning anyways."

"You were buying property in every land, how was I supposed to win? I thought the point of the game was to end up with the most money," I say, gathering up the fake bills while he folds up the board.

"It was an investment. Truth be told, I was buying all the property so you would win but I didn't think you were going to be this bad." I slap him in the arm before getting into the seat and buckling up my own belt. Drew joins me a few seconds later and props his legs up on my lap, making me roll my eyes. "If it makes you feel any better, we ended the game almost in a tie," he offers, snickering when I just glare at him in return.

"A tie? I had two dollars while you had three hundred!"

"You really need to learn how to play Monopoly because you were just so awful-"


"Kidding! Well..." The landing was spent with Drew and I playfully bickering at each other over the stupid board game that I didn't think I would actually get into. He suggested playing it an hour into the flight and since I was board of the foreign magazine I thought sure why not?

He pulled out two different board games but there is no way I'm about to go up against him in chess so I just settled for the other one that I never heard of. He did explain the game to me while setting it up and from the way he made it sound I thought it was going to be an easy win especially when he started to just buy every property he landed on. That screwed me over because I kept landing on his property and paying him on nearly every turn.

"Now can you tell me where we are?" I ask, when I feel the plane slow down.

He peeks out the window and as tempted as I am to do that, he already told me beforehand that I'm not allowed to. I wouldn't have listened to him but he said that he was going to paint the house black without my permission or knowledge if I do that so I quickly dropped the idea.

"No. I'll tell you as much as I can but first here's the plan so you don't go wandering around. It's almost sunrise so we're heading straight to the hotel and you're going to stay with me the entire morning? Okay, I mean it. The entire morning," he states, giving me a serious look to which I just nod to. It's not like I haven't heard this speech hundreds of times already. "When we wake up next night, then I'll show you around."

"Okay," I comply, undoing the belt after given the permission to. Once again, I let Drew handle the luggage and all that since I have no idea what to do in an airport or even where we are. I did try to look at the signs but it seems that Drew knew I was going to do that since the airport we were dropped at is strictly French.

Every single sign is in French and nothing out the window gives a hint as to where we are. Drew sees my unamused look after returning with all the luggage before shaking his head at me with a smile. "Mike isn't here to help so I'm going to need you to carry the two lightest bags," he says, instead of answering my obvious question regarding where in the planet he took me to. Or even why he took me here.

I have a slight suspicion that it might involve my birthday but he hasn't mentioned anything about it and I only briefly mentioned the date of my birthday so I don't think he'll remember the exact date. He might know around what time of year it is but I doubt he'll remember the actual date. There's also that one theory where he did something that he knows would seriously piss me off and this is his apology trip but that seems a little too extreme for him.

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