Chapter 25

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Hope you guys enjoy this extra long chapter :)

Chapter 25

After Levi drops Drew and I back at the hotel, we mainly spend our time lounging around not really doing anything. Of course I took advantage of this amazing opportunity and we spent most of our time talking to each other.

Obviously we've been, or at least we've been trying, to get into the habit of talking to each other. It's not that we have a communication problem between us, but it's rather that we just have a lot of personal thoughts and past feelings that were suppressed and just needed to get out. 

Since it's been a while that we started getting into the habit of just telling each other every painful detail about us and our past, it's like our bond has gotten even stronger than it was before. I used to think that it was impossible for us to feel any closer than we already do, but every night when I look into his eyes as he starts to wake up my heart feels like it's about to jump out from my throat. 

"How long have you been watching me for?" Drew groggily asks, rubbing his eyes a little bit.

I smile a little at the action. "Since you've fallen asleep," I admit, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks at the confession. I wasn't lying when I said that we weren't going to lie to each other anymore. I'm pretty sure, actually I know for a fact, that he's pissed that I wasn't upfront with him back at the castle but I'm going to make up for it by not hiding anything from him. 

Thankfully, he chuckles at my reply as his eyes soften. "Don't you get bored? You know that you don't have to be by my side all the time- wait let me rephrase that," he quickly corrects, making me let out a laugh. "I mean that we don't have to be connected at the hip. You can go and watch TV or take a shower, but just don't leave the room without telling me when you're going so I can find you if you take too long," he says. I grimace a little at the mention of the shower. Ugh, I hate it.

"I never get bored when I look at you," I sigh, adjusting my position on the bed so that I can look at him properly.

"Thanks, darling," he says, leaning over to kiss me on the forehead before getting up and heading to the bathroom. I lowly sigh when he closes the door before switching to lie on my back and looking up at the ceiling. When is Drew going to mark me?

I know how desperate I sound right now. Hell, I embrace how desperate I sound right now. But it's been years, decades, that we've been together and Drew still hasn't made the move to mark me yet. Of course I can always make the first move but I'm a little old-fashioned in the belief that Drew should be the one to make the first move. But I swear if he doesn't try anything within the next five years I'll initiate it.

Does he think that I'm not ready? I've been explicitly hinting that I'm not going to run away again and that I'm ready to spend the rest of my life by his side. I'm ready whether he marks me or not, but having the mark has its perks. 

Rather than lie around and mope with my thoughts, I get up and start preparing us glasses of blood to drink while Drew is busy showering. I don't know how he can just stay in the shower for twenty minutes when I can barely handle two minutes in there.

I scrunch my nose at the human blood bags but at least there were a couple of animal blood bags left. I grab one of each and two glasses before filling it up to the tip with the blood. After throwing away the bags, I place the glasses in the table just as Drew comes in with a towel around his hair and a pair of jeans on. Just a pair of jeans.

"I was gonna do that," he comments with a smile, pointing to the glasses before taking a seat in front of the glass with the human blood. Gross.

"I had nothing better to do," I shrug, sitting down next to him. We silently finish our glasses for a few minutes before I decide to break the silence. "So what's the plan for today?"

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