Chapter 3

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Short little chapter since it's only in Drew's point of view. I just didn't want it in Sabrina's point of view since there's really nothing interesting she's going to be doing in the forest. 

Sabrina to the top

Chapter 3

Drew's POV

I chuckle at Sabrina's retreating figure before wincing at the sharp pain on my side. Lifting my shirt up, I grimace at the sight of a deep gash stretching from the right of my torso all the way to the middle of my back. 

Gritting my teeth, I pull my shirt down and position myself in a way where I'm not laying down at my wound. At least the bleeding stopped long. It shouldn't be long before the wound closes. The only thing I'm worried about would be how long it would take the scar for it to disappear.

Sabrina's not an idiot. She's going to know I got hurt fighting the vampire that tried to hurt her. A growl nearly escapes my throat at the thought that someone almost killed her before I remembered that moving too much would only make it worse. I've managed to hide the pain from her so far.

I just don't want her worried about me or thinking that I can't defend her. Knowing her and how stubborn she is, she's never going to leave and run whenever I tell her to in the middle of the fight. She's going to stand her ground and stay fighting no matter how outnumbered she is. I love her stupid bravery.

Thinking about Sabrina makes a stupid smile appear on my face before I look back down on the ground. I can see the light creeping it's way over to inside of the cave but I know that it won't reach where I am. It's too deep in and the front of the cave will stop it from reaching me. 

Trying to fight off the tired feeling, I pull my shirt up again to see that the gash is starting to close up. Slowly, inch my inch, my skin was closing over the wound. It should be completely closed and scarring by the time Sabrina comes back. I just hope she doesn't lift my shirt and see the scar.

Feeling something vibrate in my pocket, I reach back to pull my cellphone out. I remember it took me weeks to eventually buy a cellphone and learn how to use it but it came in handy. I tried to convince Sabrina to get one as well but she said no saying that she wouldn't have anyone to talk to on the phone since she wasn't planning on being away from me and she has no other friends.

That got me feeling like I was on cloud 9 and I didn't fight her on that decision. 

Rolling my eyes at the caller, I press the phone against my ear. "What do you want, Braydon?"

He fakes a hurt gasp while I check my wound once again. I hope it doesn't scar too bad. "Is that anyway to treat your best man at your wedding?"

"What wedding?" I ask, resisting the urge to sit up. What wedding is he even talking about? I haven't proposed to Sabrina yet and I don't plan to until everything gets under control. By that, I mean that my parents aren't mentally disowning me and I'll be able to find a legit vampire who can marry us without me having to threaten him. 

"The wedding in my head between you and Sabrina. You guys need to get together and buy me a kid or something," he groans.

I was about to respond but pause for a minute, letting his words sink in. Braydon just needs some help in the head sometimes. "First of all, we don't need to get married to get a kid and second of all, why would I buy a kid? Don't you mean adopt one?"

"Don't you still have to buy it though? You pay for a dog you adopt so wouldn't you pay to adopt a child too?"

"Braydon...I don't know. Is that all you wanted to talk to me at...eight in the morning for? Braydon I need to sleep!"

He starts laughing and I hear voices in the background. Braydon has no social skills so it's probably Brandon and Maybelle that he's with. I feel slightly sorry for them. "Nah, that's not all. Actually, I wanted to ask where you were. It's been a while and I wanna see you. Catch up and all that stuff."

I shift in my position while staring at the rocky ceiling. Of course I want to see him and catch up with him again, despite his eccentric personality. I just don't want to bring him here when I don't even have a place to call home yet. 

Actually, I already bought a house but I still need the legal permits all settled and all that. I'm tired of hiding which is why I had a good friend of mine buy a house for me in the woods away from the public. It's still close to the city in case Sabrina wants to get something but it's a good distance away where we have our privacy. I need to call my friend to see how everything's going with the permits but other than that we should be good.

"Sounds good. Where are you guys though?" I ask, since I don't remember hearing where they were going to go. Last time I talked to them, Maybelle was talking about how she's always wanted to travel and of course Brandon would follow her to Saturn if she wanted him to. Braydon just tagged along for the ride.

Not sure where Layton and Levi are though. All I know is that those two go together since Levi just recently turned and Layton doesn't trust him to be alone yet. Honestly I'm pretty sure Layton just didn't want to be lonely so he convinced Levi to go with him. I should call him tomorrow night since it's too early in the morning and he'll kill me in his sleep if I wake him up.

I hear Braydon yelling at Maybelle in the background to ask where they were before he replies. "We're in some country in Asia. I can't pronounce it though. Anyways, we'll fly out there soon. Just tell us which airport so we don't have to travel too far," he tells me.

"Fly to the airport in Vancouver. Just call me when you guys get to the airport so we can get ready and come get you," I tell him.

"Alright. I gotta go get some sleep now. See you soon and tell Sabrina I said hi," he says, before cutting the call. I shove my phone back in my pocket before closing my eyes and instantly falling asleep.


The twins and Maybelle will soon be popping up for a visit! Plus Drew already bought a house for them! Looks like things are going good for the couple so far (minus the little attack a few hours before lol)

Okay so I legit was planning to edit the Forever series along with Hunting Love and I even tried to promise myself that I would edit those first and then work on this story. Instead, I've written more chapters for this story as well as get the ball rolling for a new story so excuse me while I cry in the corner for my fail attempt to edit.

And some of you guys were asking me this earlier, but the reason why I don't want someone else to edit those stories is because the grammar, spelling, and sentence structure aren't the only things that are wrong with the story. There's also some plot holes along with details that I thought weren't important but the comments say otherwise so I have to go back and add them in. I'm really sorry for those reading my first three stories but please be patient I will edit them (eventually)

Anyways, be sure to vote and leave a comment below telling me what you think :)

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