Chapter 13

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Sabrina ^

Chapter 13

Sabrina's POV

"Let me just get an espresso, thanks," I tell the waiter, trying to get him to go away fast. He smiles and bows his head before walking away to get my order. Letting out a sigh, I drop my head down on the table and try to think of where everything went wrong. 

How could Drew cheat on me? Not only that, but he willingly admitted that he did! And then he had the nerve to say how he didn't think I would mind? What kind of thinking is that?! Of course I'd mind! How would he like it if I cheated on him behind his back? What if I tell him about it and say the same lame excuse about how I thought he wouldn't have minded. I'd like to see how he'd react then.

"Here you go," the waiter says, placing the hot drink down in front of me.

"Thank you," I say, before giving him a once over. He has a curly mop of brown hair swept lazily over the top of his head along with dark brown eyes that seem to pop out from his light complexion. He's not as pale as other people I know but he is paler than me. He's also a couple inches shorter than me but that doesn't really surprise me that much. 

He hesitates for a little bit before taking a seat in the empty chair in front of me, making me raise my eyebrows a little bit. He clears his throat before giving me a small smile. "I don't mean to be nosy or anything, but are you okay?" he asks.

I take in his expression before slowly nodding. The way he's looking at me gives me a weird feeling inside but not in a good way. "Yeah I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"It's just that you came in here looking ready to murder someone and then five minutes later you look like you're about to give up on life," he says, playing with the ends of his long sleeved shirt.

I shrug while swirling the cream around in the espresso. Is it cream? "I'm fine," I repeat, not wanting to go into detail about it. It's none of his business anyways.

He gives me a look that says he doesn't believe me before leaning back on the chair. He better not be getting too comfortable because I will spill this all over his white shirt if he tries anything with me; I'm not in the mood for that right now. "I get it. None of my business right? But hey, you don't know me and I don't know you. They do say it's better to tell a stranger your problems rather than someone you know," he says.

"Who's 'they'?" I ask, with a snort.

He chuckles along with me while shaking his head. "The general public. So what's eating you up?"

I think about it for a moment before shrugging. It's true that I might never see this guy ever again so what's the harm in telling him? I just won't give too much personal information. "My boyfriend cheated on me," I sigh, feeling a sharp pain in my chest. It's one thing to know it, but it's another thing to actually say it. 

"Ouch. He's an idiot if he would cheat on someone like you," he says. I'm thankful that he didn't say sorry or give me a pitying look. I'm tired of seeing those in my life.

"I know. But it means nothing because I cared about him. I still care about him," I whisper, swirling the tiny spoon around in my drink. I don't know why I even ordered this since I wasn't planning on drinking it in the first place. 

"Who'd he cheat on you with?" he asks.

I roll my eyes. "His ex." Speaking of which, I wonder what he's doing with Karla now. Probably getting comfortable with her now that I'm not there, I angrily think to myself.

He furrows his eyebrows. "Why'd he break up with her for you if he was going to just go back to her?" he asks, making me shrug. That's a good question that I don't know the answer to.

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