Chapter 9

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Braydon and Brandon ^^

Chapter 9

"I'm going to kill them. All of them. I don't care how long it takes or how I kill them, I just know that I will."

"Drew, you can't go around screaming threats like that about your parents," Maybelle sighs, rubbing her head while leaning further into Brandon's body. 

"I don't care! They sent ten hunters to try and kill Sabrina! Is this some kind of revenge or something? Because last time I checked, they kicked me out."

"Technically they kicked all of us out," Brandon interrupts. "And anyways, can we worry about this later? It's almost 10 am and I'm fucking tired."

Everyone murmurs in agreement except me. Drew gives a barely noticeable nod before everyone files out of the room and towards their respective bedrooms. Mike and Braydon share one room while Maybelle and Brandon share another room. Drew and I both agreed that we'd stay in the living room. 

I silently watch as Drew paces back and forth to try and calm himself down. I know that if I say anything, he'll just snap and start lecturing me about how I could've been killed and all that stuff. Honestly, Drew needs to calm down and understand that I've grown up fending for myself and just because he's here doesn't change the fact that I know how to protect myself.

The bullet wound is a bad example but now I'm prepared. That's how life works. You screw up, you learn your lesson, you get better. But I guess Drew doesn't understand the last two steps since he won't move past the screwing up stage.

Looking towards the window, I see the sunlight peering through the crack of the curtains, making me worry about how long Drew's been up, especially after the fight he just had. "Hey Drew," I softly say, getting his attention which momentarily makes him stop pacing. "I think you should get some rest. Especially after what happened..."

He doesn't say anything but just sighs and sits down by me on the couch. I stand up and wait as he gets in a comfortable lying down position before I sit down by him. I look down at my lap and try to think of something to say that'll make him feel better about what happened. It doesn't take a genius to know that he feels awful about what happened. What's sad that it wasn't his fault.

Suddenly, I feel a gentle pressure on my knee and I look to see Drew gently stroking my knee while looking at the bandage around my calf with a guilty expression. "Does it hurt?" he asks, not taking his eyes off my leg.

I shake my head while interlocking our fingers together. "No. It stopped hurting as soon as Maybelle pulled the bullet out. The bandage is only here to close the wound so you can stop glaring at it," I tell him, making him tear his eyes away from my leg.

"I'm sorry. It's just...I'm supposed to protect you-"

"And you did," I interrupt.

Of course, Drew's stubborn self pretends not to listen and instead snaps, "Sabrina you don't get it, I didn't protect you! Protecting you means that you walk out of that whole thing without a damn scratch on your body. Instead, you got shot in the leg and if Braydon hadn't been there then..." he trails off, looking off into the distance.

Biting my lip, I lie down on top of his body as he wraps his arms around my body. I twist so that I'm looking down to face him. "The thing is, Braydon was there. I did make it out alive." I stroke his face and lean closer to him. "We made it out alive. If you keep thinking of all the negative things that could have happened, you're going to miss out on life. There's a reason that we made it so it's pointless to think otherwise."

He's silent for a few minutes before I see the tiniest upward movement of his lips. "You're right. I love you, Sabrina," he says, just before his eyes flutter close and his breathing evens out. 

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