Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I feel him freeze from under me, only heightening my suspicion that he still isn't over Karla. Instead of going off on him, I decide for once to just sit there patiently and wait for him to explain his side of the story. After a few more seconds, he sighs. "It's not you Sabrina. It's stupid actually," he grumbles.

Frowning, I look up and barely see a hint of red on his cheeks. Is he blushing? "I won't think it's stupid Drew," I tell him.

He shifts around to where I'm more comfortable on his lap. I don't know why he's insisting on this position since we're both pretty big and this is a fairly small couch. "I'm...hesitant on that because every time I look at you, I get flashbacks on how I treated you back at the castle and I can't bring myself to put you through that again!"

I lift my head up in surprise before looking at him. This time, our positions are reversed since his head is down and my head is up, trying to get him to look at me. "Wait what?"

He sighs before he starts explaining in a frustrated tone, "I was an ass to you! I treated you like dirt while ignoring the signs that you were my soulmate. You never wanted to touch me, you always left whenever I was in the room, and you always looked mad whenever I was with Karla. After I found out what you were to me, I was mad! Not at you, since I understood why you hid it from me. I was mad at myself. I was so much of a jerk that you couldn't even bring yourself to tell me."

"You weren't a jerk to me Drew," I tell him. "Your parents and some of the other workers were the jerks. I left safer with you, your siblings, and the twins more than I ever felt with anyone else, even my own family."

"Then why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep yourself a secret from me for eight months?" he asks. Was it eight months? I can't even remember what month I was sent there but he remembered how long I stayed there?

"I didn't want you to lose the throne!"

"It doesn't matter-"

"Don't lie to me," I sigh, seeing his hand twitch when he was about to say about how the throne didn't matter to him. "You wanted that throne Drew. You still want it, don't you?"

He hesitates before slowly nodding his head. "You're right, I'm not gonna lie, I wanted the throne. Ever since I was born, it's all I ever wanted." I get a heavy feeling in my chest knowing that I'm the reason that he lost the throne before I feel him grab my hands and intertwine them together. "But, the one thing I wanted more than the throne was a soulmate. To have a relationship that my parents have-"

"Please don't compare us to your parents," I groan, rubbing my head and hearing him laugh. I smile seeing the serious expression on his face slowly fade away as he tilts his head back while laughing. He looks back at me with a light in his eyes before shaking his head.

"Alright, I won't. But you get what I mean. Look, I want the throne. But," he leans in closer to where our noses are barely touching, "I want you more than the throne."

I gulp down the sudden nervous feeling that I have. This is the closest he's ever been to my face. Isn't this what I want? So why is there a tingling feeling all over my body that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up? He sees the look on my face and sighs before leaning away. "I don't want to mark you while there's still doubt between us. You still think I'm not over Karla and I still can't get over how I treated you back then. It's not fair to either of us," he explains.

I think over his words before sighing. He's right. It's a big deal to mark someone and it wouldn't be fair since our relationship still isn't...stable, I guess is the word for it. I can't help how I feel for Karla, how can I? She was extremely close to Drew before we met and even after we already met they were still close. It seems like a stretch to expect him to completely erase her from his memories when they were so close together.

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