Matt The Radar Technision

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A/N: Hello and welcome to my book!!!!! Make sure to vote, share and comment away!

(You're POV)

It was a avrage normal day, working here on star killer base had to offer.

After time passed, it was finally lunch time and it took the opportunity to just take the 40 minute break for as long as it needed to take. Normally you just ate and chatted with people at the table.

We were all informed about new  arrival from new technicians. It wasn't anything new really, just a few new people to help out with the work that needs to be done. One thing cought my eye for once, was soon as I sat down at my table.  A young man about in his late 20's walked into the lunch room and made a big scene. He must of wanted to be pushed around here. "Hi I'm Matt, I'm a radar technision," He says. The guy still looked kinda strange with his messy blog hair and wire glasses. But he was kinda cute, I guess. But stupid for doing that.

I sat alone at my table with a few others but I didin't even think to care that they were here in the first place. They were haveing a normal conversation when Matt came over to us and said, "Can I sit here?" He asked.

I didin't exsactly want him to draw attention to our group but I decided to let him since he was kinda the rookie around here. "Sure,"  he sat down. The guys around me kept talking and taking a few bites of their food.

Matt broke the awkward Silence when he asked, "What do you guys think of working here?" He wasin't joking around, I could tell from the look on his face that he literally wanted to know what it was like here. 

"I mean work is work," One of the other guys said, he was right. It's not like I didin't like my job, it was good and the pay was nice.

"Well I mean it's not that bad. Most of the people who work here anyways are douches anyways." I spoke up, "I'm literally one of the only woman on this ship besides Captain Phisma. I'm happy to have this job, but I'm tired of the pigs,"

He nodded and thought for a second before saying "What do you guys think of Kylo Ren? Do you beleve when he says he will finish what Darth Vader started?" He seemed obsessed with Kylo, just the way his eyes darted around all of us When he asked but he seemed most intrested in me however.

Everyone respected Kylo, but didin't really speak their mind about him unless they had serious balls "I will say this for Kylo," One of the guys dressed in black said, "He gets a bad rap, I mean rule everything! That's somthing that has never been able to be done, I admire the guy."

"Yes exactly, EXACTLY! " Matt raised his voice after saying it the second time.

Lunch was finished, "It was nice to meet you Matt," You said as no one else would really say something to him.

"Sorry I didin't get your name,"

"Oh sorry, my name is (Y/N)." You held your hand out for him to shake.

"It was nice to meet you too (Y/N), I'm glad someone agrees with me about the douches that work here," He shook your hand and his cheeks went a pink pink.

(The next day)

Matt was still kinda weird and followed me around the place before at break asked me, *I didn't get your name yesterday* I guess he thought of me as a friend or someone he could trust since everyone else didin't really say anything.

Matt follows me over to the lunch table when he asked the group from later, "What do you think of Kylo Ren's lightsaber?" Still talking about Kylo Ren I see.

"Yeah, that thing is weird looking," One of the troopers said and Matt looked at him almost in raged.

"Oh okay let me go get it for you!" He walked out into the hall and came back with the saber in his hand, "Look I found Kylo Ren's lightsaber so you could look at it up close," He held it up to the guys face.

"Wow it's really poorly made. Like a little kid made it," The guy was trying not to laugh, but he shouldin't have.

"Than you don't have to look at it anymore!" Matt threw it into the wall and it made a big clash sound. Matt stormed out of the room in an instant.

"Matt!" I called out to him chasing after him. He completely disappeared into the hall. "Matt?"

I looked all around for my new 'friend' as you would call it.

Suddenly, I was pushed onto the wall! Matt was holding me there with a tight grip.

"What the hell are you doing out here (Y/N)?" He looked at you and clearly wanted space.

"I could say the same for you!" You shouted as he looked angry and you just tried to calm down."I'm sorry Matt it's just that we are friends am I correct?... I was just worried I guess."

"What ever, I will meet you tomarrow at lunch. Just leave me alone!" He shouted and left.

I let out a deep sigh and just walked away from all of this. Matt is still really weird. But still he's kinda geeky and that's kinda... cute.


At lunch the next day I sat at the same table with the same people. The one guy was a total jerk and I didint really talk to him while I waited for Matt.

He sat down rather weirdly, "What do you think of Kylo Ren?" He asked one of the guys.

"Kylo Ren is a punk bitch. He looks looks like he weighs 30 pounds under soaking wet underneath that little black dress-" Then the guy started to gag on something.

 He looks looks like he weighs 30 pounds under soaking wet underneath that little black dress-" Then the guy started to gag on something

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"Oh no he's choking on food," Matt brought his hands up in a force choking way. "I see what's in your mind! It. Is. STUPID!" He threw the guy into the soda machine!

We were all shocked at first. "Matt!" I shouted before he ran off. Again! It wasin't suprising, he was alot like a toddler when he didn't  get his way. 


About an hour later, the guy came back with an ice pack on his head looking really tired and hurt. Matt came right back and walked in the middle of the room. "I'm not really Matt,"He says about to take off those glasses, "Im-" Everyone stopped him.

"You're Kylo Ren," Zack, the guy at our table said.

"You're Kylo Ren," I said.

"I knew from when you threw me into the soda machine." The trooper said.

"I knew from 'hi I'm Matt," Zack said.

"I really learned alot today. I'm premoting the both of you,"


A/N: Hey guys! This is my first imagine! I hope it's not too bad! What do you think? Yes or no?

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