Hux Perving On You

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(You're POV)

I'm a highly respected and trained fighter and I'm completely loyal to the first order. I'm a commanding officer and I'm dating Commander Kylo Ren.

My com link went off and I answered it, "General," I answer it.

"Ah yes (Y/N) would you ever be so kind as to meet me in my office, for a quick meeting?"

"Yes general it would be an honer," I answered.

"Alright then, I will see in a few minutes. Don't be late (Y/N)," He says before hanging up.

It was still really weird that General Hux would call in an officer at this time at night. But at that time I didin't think much of it at the time.

I walked down the hall passing a few troopers, of course being on star killer hat wasn't out of the ordinary. "You wanted to speak to me general?" I walked into the door way of Hux's office.

"Ah yes (Y/N) have a seet," He gestured for me to sit down on a seet just on the other side of his desk. "I have been hearing all around Star Killer that you and Ren are now a thing?" He loomed over his desk.

"Well yeah it's been about two munths, why does it bother you general?"

"(Y/N) It bothers me that Ren has nothing to offer you. A woman of your ranking and beauty should be treated with much more respect."

"Why are you brining this up to my attention now general?"

"Ren doesn't love you. He only sees you for your power (Y/N). He is sith, he cares for no one else but himself."

I clenched my fists under the table and got up to leave, "This is highly inappropriate Hux. I'm leaving," I turned over to leave up the door but Hux stopped me.

"You're not going anywhere (Y/N) without my premision! I'm your superior, you will do as I say,"

He forced me into the wall and blocked all of my exists. "I'm a man. We all have needs (Y/N). You are one of the only woman on this ship but the only thing that stands in the way from me and you is Kylo,"

"Don't touch me!" I shuttered at him trying to touch my face. "What is the matter with you! Let me go this instant."

He moved back and let me free, "If you tell anyone about our little discussion I will personally kill you slowly!" He barked as I ran out the door.

I was never as glad as I was to leave out of an office before in my life! I almost broke down in tears as I ran into my quarters that I shared with my boyfriend.

I slammed the door shut behind me and sank into the floor and broke out into tears. "(Y/N)? What's wrong? What happend?" Kylo came from the other side of the room over to me. He sunk down onto my level. "(Y/N) You can tell me anything,"

I started to cry even more as my eyes felt as if they were erupting from what had just happend. I threw myself into his arms as he seemed really shocked. He ran his Han's through my hair and held me for a while. I couldin't explain to him what had just happend because Hux is higher ranking than Kylo. "(Y/N) you're scarring me, what is going on?"

"K- ylo,"I sobbed into his chest, "Hux he-"

"What did he do to you (Y/N)?" He asked me still holding onto me.

"He told me that he would kill me if-" I took a deep breath, "If I told you what happend in his office,"

"What is it? I will tear him apart if he comes anywere near you,"

"He told me that you never even cared about me and that he is much better. Than he- he kept me in his office and talked to me about how I was one of the only woman on this ship and-"

"Shh," He hushed me, "I will deal with him-"

"No Kylo please don't leave me! He will kill me once you go,"

"I'm not going anywere if you don't want me to, but Hux will pay shorty."

I sunk myself into his arms and stayed like that for a while. His warm embrace made me feel much better.

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