Dark World AU P.2

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A,N: Part two is finally here! Yay! So here it is and maybe in this chapter we could have some lines in this one.


The world was almost his. Ben Solo planed this for so long and now his plan is coming to life. All the humans in this area were completely terminated. He sat on his throne thinking about what he would turn the world into until the doors to his castle opened up in a slam as one of his servants. "What is it?!" He asked it and the thing was out of breath.

"My lord, there is a survivor! She survived the bus attack and now she is wondering the streets close to here!" He frowned.

"So it is true." His crimson eyes trailed over and then back to the beast, "Bring her to me! We cannot afford to have someone surviving my great rain! DON'T YOU DARE COME BACK WITHOUT HER!"

"Yes Lord Kylo!" The thing quickly flew away out the door as several more followed him. If this is true she could wipe us all out and throw my plan into ruin!


(Y,N) walked for as long as her legs could take her before she finally found water. But, just like the last time there wasn't any. Or at least it was too dirty to drink as it was completely crimson. It seemed useless and you would die sooner or later if the lack of food didin't already.

"What am I doing out here?" You said out loud before kicking away a rock into the water. You were so fist rated it it seemed as if you were walking in circles. But something off in the distance seemed to catch your eye. A black castle. It was mighty and you thought that it would be a safe place for you to stay and you might find food there. So you desiderate to take the risk.


You walked for as long as you could before you were at the castle door. As you looked up at its size you could here snarling in the distance. As soon as you jolted your head over to see what it was, there were thousands of them this time. The bat thing where everywhere all around you and you gripped the door handle to the castle as they all looked at you as if they where going to attack you until one few over to you at top speed and you flinched and held up your weapon and you killed it. All around you everyone of them started to charge you but you took the chance and you turned the nob to the door and you shut it behind you. You where finally safe in here.

"Hello? I'm not one of them don't shoot!" You shouted through out the castle and it seemed to echo.

You looked all around and you saw the dark design for the castle and it seemed to give you shivers as you walked further to find something useful for yourself. But the place was completely empty before you entered the throne room.

The roof above you was completely distroyed and it let in alot of sunlight that seemed white compared to the black surroundings. You walked before you could have sworn you saw a man sitting in a chair eyeing you as you moved closer. The shadows seemed to hide his features. "Don't step any closer girl, unless you want me to tear you appart,"

You stopped in your tracks and you looked up to the person who was talking to you, "It is a shame that you had to be the survivor since I ordered my minions to take all the humans here out," You froze.

"Y- you did this to my town. How could you?! Haven't you have a heart at all?!-" The man stopped you by getting up from his 'throne' and stepping away from the shadows.

You eyes his features before you saw wings behind him. They were black and his eyes were red along with his pale skin. "I don't have a heart deary. It's a shame that I'm going to have to kill you," before you could even think he lashed out at you and he wrapped his hands around your neck. You fought back by slashing him in the side with your sword.

He looked back at you enraged, as he grabbed you and flung you into the air. You struggled to get a hold of yourself but you where quick enough to land ontop of the roof. He was right behind you as he pulled out a sword of his own and he engaged you into a battle that could mean you and your whole cities life.

You put your whole heart into the battle and you where more then capable of fighting. "What the hell are you?!" You shouted as your weapons into locked.

"That's nothing of your concern!" He shouted back at you and more and more your battle continued.

"You're afraid to tell me. And you have the guts to call yourself the ruler of my Town?!"

He was now more then angry. All he wanted to do now was to have your head and call the world his own. "It's too late! I've casted a spell upon the whole entire world to hold them before I'm ready to devour them,"

"Y- you're a vampire," You thought out loud.

"Yes and no. I'm a vampire dark angel! I had to do what I could to survive so I decided to take your town as my own personal feeding grown." Your heart dropped.

"No," This is all wrong. You can't beat him, he is too strong and he will kill you given the chance.

You unlocked your blade and backed up away from him, "I wouldn't kill you just that fast (Y/N). You will be a grand prize and I would want to make you suffer for not giving in,"

You backed up further before you fell from the cracks in the house and you closed your eyes and waited to hit the floor and die at last. But you didin't something cought you. Well several things cought you and your arms where restrained and held back as you realised that the things that you ran away from outside where holding you in please.

The man you fought from before flew down from ontop of the roof and he kneeled down right infront of you. "You really thought you could beat me and safe the people of this world?" He chuckled darkly before he pulled a knife from his pocket, "Well miss (Y/N) a promise is a promise and I am a man of my word and I won't let you die fast." He came up to you and grabbed a hold of your wrist. "This won't hurt at all," He laughed before slicing your skin open and watching as you screamed and as the blood would drip down your arm. "Perfect," He licked his lips before latching them onto your skin and sucking the liquid from your cut. His eyes shut as he began to savor your taste and you tried to fight back but there was nothing you could do. He continued this vilont act moving the blade all across and digging it in either softly and just skimming your skin before he would dig it into you. You you wimper and cry at the pain and he fought the need to distroy you right then and there but this was going to be the end of your life. He's letting you savor it.

Then he stopped at he held the sharp part of the blade to your neck, "What do you think boys? Don't you all want a taste of her sweet blood yourself?!" He held it tighter to your juglur.

The bats all around you nodded their heads and eyed you. "That's a shame," The ruler spoke, "She's my little pet and she's only mine," Then he pulled the knife away from you before grabbing you by your chin and pulling you into a kiss. You tried to pull back for a second before you eased into the feeling and you had to admit it that it felt... right.

As you started to kiss back and give in you felt a sharp sensation onto your lips. The man clung to you and wouldin't let you go before you knew what he was doing. He stopped and pulled back. You could feel the cuts and deep bite marks in your skin before he grabbed you by the neck and he sunk his fangs deep into your skin, causing you to gasp and try to get away but there was no use. "P- please," You begged for it to stop and now it was your end. But he wasin't going to let you go just like that. He dug his nails deep into your skin as you could feel all the blood dripping down your neck as you where slowly coming in and out of consciousness before everything went black and you went limp.

'The end

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