Beauty And The Beast AU

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A/N: I thought about this one for a while and I have to change the story since I don't own the Disney one and I hope you all will love it!

Once upon a time, there lived a prince who was consumed with greed and too far gone to see his ways. His mother: the Queen was very old and sick and was dying. Prince Ben, loved his mother very dearly, but loved fame and fortune far more, so in her sleep he smothered her with a pillow.

On the night of her funeral, Ben seized another chance to distroy the one thing that was in the way between him and his kingdom: his father. So, late at night his father asked that Ben would spend the evening with him so he could have dinner and morn the death of Ben's mother.

But, when the king spilled his heart out and told Ben about his plains for Ben runing the kingdom those very words awoke the demon in the child and Ben was quick to stab his father with one of the stake knifes. As soon as his father died on the floor, a old begged entered the dining hall and begged Ben to see the errors of his ways, but Ben shewed her away.

"I warn you young prince, that you should not be deceived for beauty comes from within," Ben took a moment, with his hands covered in his father's blood to look at the beauty of the rose the old woman had with her.

"Away with you! The dining hall isin't open to peasents!" With Ben's final decision was blinded with greed that he couldin't see what was to become. The older woman reveled her true form: as a beautiful woman. The prince was imedatly attracted her to beauty and dropped on his knees and begged her to forgive him but it was too late. The witch trasformed the prince into a beast, and handed him a rose and told him, "Be wise Ben, find true live before the rose wilts and you will be broken from my curse,"

As for the rest of the castle, they were all scared to death by the Beast's appearence and yet the were cursed to surve him for all eternity, as they were transformed into objects and things that are useful around the castle.


Now, no one dares to find this castle, since it hasn't been spoken of in years. But, there was a small town not far away where there lived a beautiful young woman who had a hard time fitting in with the crowd.

People called her different, since her nose would always be stuck in a book. Her favorite of course was the tale of princes in disguise and happy endings!

"Good morning father," (Y/N)'S father was sick and couldin't get out of bed as it was the doctors orders.

Her father coughed a bit before saying, "Good morning to you too my daughter," His face would light up when ever he saw her daughter. But, he knee that she was locked up always having to help him out. "Anything new?"

You smiled and reached into your bag, "I went into town today and went into the library and I was told that I could keep it!"

Your father chuckled, "You've read that one more then all the times I could count,"

"I know, I just can't get over the story and the wording-"

You were stopped when your father said: "(Y/N) You know I'm getting old and I can't do meny things, but I was wondering if you could look after the farm for a bit? And when you are done, could you pick up some groceries?"

You smiled, "Of course father, I will be back before you know it,"

You lived in a small town with meny people and luckily you had a farm but, your father couldin't look after it. He could hardly get out of bed. You owned a few chickens and pigs but your most prised possession was your horse. You fed them and carried on with your day until you went into town to buy some food.

But there was this guy who always had his eye on you. His name was Guston, and all the other girls in town were head over heals for him. "Good morning (Y/N)," He was so full of himself and blinded by your beauty.

"Oh hello Guston," You greeted, trying to friendly.

"Say you'll marry me (Y/N)," This was the first time he went ad far, but he had a way with always trying to date you or something else like that.

  "No thanks Guston, I just dont-" He stopped you and He snatched the basket from your hand and looked at it, "Going out again becuase of your crazy dad?"

  Your frowned and took your things back and walked away from him. He was rude and only cared about himself, so you weren't about to waste your time with him.


  You traveled all around town to only find out that the food supply was low and that you had to travel another vilage to pick up what ever you needed.

  So you sattled up your horse after telling your father what happened and he showed you a map that would take you to the next town in the north.

  After a few hours of riding your hose into the forest, you heard something and pushed on further just moving a bit faster. You heard that it wasin't safe to be on that trail late at night but, there was no turning back.

  The trail was dirty and every time you would pass every few threes you would kick up dirt. There wasin't a sound infront of you besides from the constant howl from wolfs but they sounded as if they were too far away. "The town was saposted to be right here, the map led me right here," You started to panic since you were in the middle of nowere and a gust of wind blew your map away. "Oh no!" You shouted and it blew away further and you raced after it, "I need the map!"

  Quickly you followed it as you stopped at the edge of the cliff and your horse was startled at the abyss that was layed out before you, so he bucked you off of him and you fell down the cliff and your body pressed up against the side of the cliff. You slid off the side until you hit the ground, your dress was dirty from the ground so you dusted it off before trying to get back up there but there was no use. So now it was all up to you to keep going.

To Be Continued


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