To Live Harshly

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A/N: Hey guys! Finally this is our first OC request! Our friend kyla_rey22 ! I love writing these! Please leave a comment and request more for me!


*Erin's POV*

I awoke in the middle of the night. It was as if I had a nightmare, but I recall no memory of one. I was drenched in sweat and my head was pounding, somthing was still out of place.

Crash! I sprung up from my bed after hearing a loud scream and the sound of blaster fire. "Mother? Father?!" I raced down the hall and ran outside. The sky was darker than I remember and I saw my mom and dad on the ground fighting for their life. "Mom!" I shouted and fell down beside them.

She looked at me and then passed out. My heart dropped and my mother touched the side of my face, leaving a mark of blood.

I heard a loud howl just a way away from me. I turned and fear washed through out my body. A... Tusken Raider? Than I turned over to see a whole group of them.

I knew that everyone that have ever been or is from Tatooine knows that they are very dangerous and we're the cost of what they did to my perents! My body stiffend as soon as I got up and they all looked at me.

"Y- you did this!" Anger washed over my body and I felt as if I was going to scream. One of the sand people lifted their rods and let out a loud howl and tryed to hit me with it and I doged it.

Than I closed my eyes and waited for ten impact. And it never came. I looked up and all of them were on the ground dead. Could I have done this?

Than a large crash could be heard from not to far as I snapped my head over to see a man dressed in all black. I knew who this had to be, but why the hell he was here I had no idea.

"You," He said in that dark robotic tone, "You make quick work of these sand people, with the force,"

Force! I couldin't beleve it! This can't be possible.

"I don't know what you are talking about. The force is just a myth-"

"No, I can train you. No one would dare appose you! You will be my equal. Let me train you, I will take you back with me to Star Killer,"

I looked away and looked at my perents, "Please you must help them, they will die if you don't-"

"It's too late for that, I will do what I need to. I will have a medic send for them before it's too late. In the mean time, come with me,"


A while later I was taken to Star Killer and I was given the much needed news, "I'm sorry, your perents didin't make it. Their wounds were far too great and they died before we could do anything about it,"

My heart dropped when as soon as I found out.

"What is your name child?"

I looked away and than turned my head back,"Erin, my name is Erin,"

"Good, your training begins tomarrow Erin-"

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