I'm Here, Always

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Imagine being the only one that could calm Kylo down.


  Kylo was having another temper tantrum. This time it was far wose then usual. He was smashing everything in his sight and screaming at the top of his lungs.

  The troopers couldin't do anything to help him and when they did they would get slashed or be force choked it death.

  You entered the room, that had peices of metal everywere. "Kylo?" He flinched at hearing your soft voice, but still carried on smashing everything. "It's alright I'm here,"

  He stopped and turned off his lightsaber, "Get away from me, I don't want to hurt you," He wasin't saying that to scare you, he was being honest. He would never hurt you.

"Kylo it's alright," Your hand touched his shoulder and you could feel how he wanted to get away from your touch. "I'm here," He turned to face your direction and you pulled his mask off. His face was wet with tears and his eyes were red. You cupped his face gently, "What's wrong my love?"

  He took a second before saying, "I- I failed,"

Your other hand found his hair and you stroked it gently. "You didin't fail-"

"Yes I did," Tears ran down his beautiful face, "My father, I killed him thinking it would make me stronger in the dark side but I was wrong! Now I'm pathetic and weak,"

  You shook your head, "You aren't weak Kylo, no man deserves to go through the things that you have,"

  He lifted your hand off his cheek and kissed it, "I need go be able to protect you, and in order I need to be strong enough,"

You smiled, "You are strong enough, if you could only see what I see Kylo. You are a perfect strong man and you are just going through a hard time right now and soon everything will be alright,"

  He nodded and wrapped his arms around you and held you close. There were sparks from the control panels everywere and Kylo was clearly in pain, but you comforted him.

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