Torn Appart

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A/N: This one may be a bit darker and will have some "Bad" sigations! Please be warned!

(Poe X Reader and Kylo Ren X reader!)

*Your POV*

I was held in a cell in front of Poe. He wouldn't take his eyes off of me and I knew how he felt about me. His eyes wouldn't leave mine and I knew what I had to do.

"(Y/N) help me leave this place, come home with me were you belong!" Poe bagged me but I didin't budge.

"I'm sorry Poe,"

The door behind us wooshed open and I wasn't chained together or in a torture chair like Poe. I was free to move about.

Kylo Ren, walked into the room and eyed Poe menacingly. It gave me shivers up my back to see the both of them eye eachother. "This is the man who says he would do anything for you?" He said in a dark tone, "He doesn't seem like much,"

"Your reputation Kylo Ren, is over exaggerated," Poe said before Ren punched him hard in the face that it made him spit up blood.

"No stop! Please the both of you!" I begged but they were both hell bent.

"He is nothing (Y/N), but scum resistance! How could someone like him mean so much to you! You are perfect! This man will never lead up to what you diserve!"

"What do you know about what I diserve!" I snapped standing up to face him.

He looked at me and than took of his mask, that made a click noice.

He was suprisingly handsome for a guy who hides under a mask. He had dark Raven hair that was really neat and a really pale face.

"You think I'm handsome?"

My body froze and I couldin't move, "I never-"

"I can read your mind like an open book (Y/N). You think I'm handsome,"

I was completely disgusted with their behavior! "Stop all of this! You both are acting like children! I don't belong to any of you!-"

"Surely you must care for Poe," He says in a dark tone.


"I will set him free if you choose the darkside and me. He will be treated fairly and I will keep my word that he is kept safe."

"If I stayed and agreed to be yours would you keep your promise?" I asked. I was still shaking I was so nervous about all of this.

"Yes, but you must prove that you will belong to me forever,"

My body froze and I leaned in and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. Yet the kiss still ment nothing to me but to save a life I kept my eyes wide open. Poe looked at me with fear in his eyes and than I was noged wich ment to lean in a bit more as I did. To my suprise Ren forced his tongue down my throat. U wiperd and pulled back.

"(Y/N) You don't have to do this! Don't give in!"

I turned over and looked at him sadly, and mouthed, "I'm sorry,"

"I will be yours just let the man go. Take me here prove to him that I am yours," I said as my body froze up once again.

"As you wish,"

'The end


A/N: Once again I found this imagine on Tumblr and I just had to try and write it! Sorry if it made you feel really uncomfortable! 😢

Question: What would you have done in this imagine? How would you fight back evil?

Would you have chosen Kylo Ren over Poe Damron?

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