I Will Show You The Darkside

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A/N: Hey guys! It's me! This was requested by Scholkocookie21! Thanks for the request and I hope you like it!

(Third person POV)

General Hux was called in for a meeting with supreme leader Snoke. This wasin't anything new, Hux always had to go down there and that ment that he usually had to deal with Kylo Ren on a regular basis. Hux stould; waiting for the torn up master to appear from the hologram. The room was dark and the Ginger General couldin't see past his face, but that all changed as soon as Snoke made the appearance. "Supreme leader," Hux says with his voice rather shaky as the tall holo gram lingerd in the air.

"General Hux, I must ask of you a favor," Snoke says leaning over on his chair, his voice was bitter and it was enough to send fear into someone's heart and he wasin't your typical every day bad guy.

"Anything sir-"

"You may know that by this time our commander is acting quite strange," Snoke says.

"My lord, Kylo already proved his loyalty by single handedly killing his own father a long time ago," Although Hux wasin't there Ren had reported the death of Han Solo long ago just when the First star killer was collapsing.

"That I know. But Ren has light still within him." How could a man like Kylo Ren have light in him? He killed his father out of cold blood just becuase he needed to in order to complete his training."Killing Solo did nothing."

"What do you mean to say my lord?"

"Kylo's wife (Y/N), is blinding his thoughts and comppacateing his training," Snoke snapped. He alowed this to continue since Ren was dark enough and having a wife: someone who could bear his children one day might be a promising reward for Snoke one day. But (Y/N) never had children with him and it's been almost four years and nothing.

"What do you ask of me?" Hux asked him.

"I want you to send two of your best men (Y/N) must be eliminated! I want Ren to know nothing about the first order being behind her death!" Snoke went on, "He would kill you after finding out that you were the one behind the murder of his wife after all,"

"Yes sir I will do my best," Hux says walking out of the room. "It will be done," 


*Your POV*

Kylo had been gone for quite a while on Coruscant, I heard it was something very important and that he wouldin't be back for days. Hux called me to the front of the ship, he didin't say what for but I know I'm in good hands with the General.

"Yes sir?" I said walking up to General Hux himself.

"Ah yes, Lady Ren herself. Might I say that you are being sent to one of the most luxurious places of the galaxy," Hux says with a smile.

"Wait- don't I have to work for the rest of the week?" This was existing since you would get some time off and that you would be back just in time to see Kylo again.

"You have nothing to worry about, for now you will be completely protected by two of our finest strom troopers to protect you and watch over you as your time you are absent." Hux went on, "Think of this as a sort of holiday,"

"Yes general, when will I be leaving?" I asked in a light tone.

"As soon as possible Lady Ren, you can go pack your things while you have the time,"

"Yes general," I said making my way over to Kylo's and my quarters. I passed the main hall and finally into my room. I was so relieved have this much needed time away from the first order.

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