Seeing Kylo's face for the first time

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You had been dating Ben Solo for nearly three years and now he had finally got what he wanted and he has you in his posetion, as resistance scum.

Quickly you couldin't bear for his ruturn and you hoped that he would never come back and unfortunately he did. The doors to your cell came open and Kylo Ren stepped foot inside. Quickly you stiffend up and waited for him to say somthing and he did, "It has been a long time hasin't it (Y/N)?"

You looked over at him stairing at you through the mask and you said, "Why must you keep me here?"

"I can let you go (Y/N) you just need to tell me everything you know," He said through that robotic mask of his and yet you hated the idea of Kylo Ren and everything about him.

"Take off that bloody mask Ren. I wish to speak to your face and not a brick wall,"

After a few seconds he slipped off the mask after pressing a bottom on the side. His features changed since the last time you saw him. It seemed that he grown into his face alot more as he was some sort of forbidden frute that you longed to taste. But you couldin't, you can't love your enamy.

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