Your Baby

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A/N: Thanks for reading this far in! I'm sorry for not updating as often as I used to but I was really busy and here it is!

Imagine: That you had dated Ben Solo in the past and was pregnant with his baby. It had been about two months after the childs birth and you had finally found put what had happend to his father.


*Your POV*

I knew what happend to Ben. He lost himself to darkness and I wasn't there nor quick enough to save him from himself. Little does he know that I had his just just 4 months ago.

His name was Aiden. His is a bright and beautiful child that I would proudly die for. Mostly he had Ben's sharp facal features and his Raven hair color. But most of all he had my (E/C) eyes, that were nearly pricing they were so beautiful.

I was woken up in the middle of the night to Aiden crying. Of course me being his only gardian I got up and cheaked on him. The child was uncontrollably crying, I leaned over and picked him up from his crib and rocked him back and forth since he wasn't hungry and he didin't need a change of course.

I hushed him and held him close, "It's okay my dear. Mommy is here, I won't let anything happen to my little angel." I said holding onto him and he still didin't seem to stap until dead silence. "See? You are alright, I think you should spend the night with mama," I said walking slowly over to my bedroom when suddenly I stopped. For some reason I didin't have eny control over my legs,I'd couldin't move! Than Aiden started crying all over again, "It's alright sweetie-"

I was stopped from the corner of my room, a dark shadow spoke for me, "Nothing is going to happen? That's a poor choice of words from someone like you,"

My blood ran cold, my child was able to sence someone in my house without me even knowing, "W- what do you want?-"

The figure stepped closer to me and I could almost feel the intense glare from inside the mask, "You have what I want (Y/N),"

"Show me your face, I don't wish to speak with someone who broke into my house and is to affereid to show their own face,"

The shadow noded and lifted up a hand to remove the mask. My heart nearly dropped. "Ben?" I knew it couldin't be him but nor did I care.

"Ben is gone. I killed him myself, and now you are here with his force sensitive child," He said. The tone almost made me scream. He spoke to me like I was some dirty messed up rebel while I was his girlfriend and I had a child that he never even knew about.

"How could you even say that around your child Ben?! Please leave all of this behind and come home with me, help me raise our child." I pleaded and Aiden stopped crying, that made things alot easer.

"That's right he is mine," He used the force to rip Aiden right out of my arms and into his arms. He patiently studied the child's features and smirked, "He looks alot like you," Ben held Aiden without a problem and the child relaxed into his arms. I was surprised to see that Kylo Ren himself would be so well with our child. Before I knew it Aiden fell asleep.

"I have got what I came for," He turned to leave me-

"No wait, come back please! Don't leave me here like this Ben! I love you-" I said before he turned around and almost snapped.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" He asked me trying to keep the baby from waking up.

"I said I love you. I don't care about all the people you killed in the past and I know that you would do the right thing,"

He let out a big sigh and realised me and said, "Oh God what have I done?" I rased over to him and forced himself into his arms, "(Y/N) will you ever forgive me for what I have done?!"

I reset my head into his neck and wrapped my arms around his neck and said, "Of course I will forgive you. Please come home with me. Your perents miss you, Aiden's grandparents are looking forward to seeing you again.

"I would imagine they would. I'm coming home (Y/N) and I'm staying with my son,"

'The end

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