Other side (1)~

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A/N: This is a AU wich means ( alternate universe)! What I'm going to do in this chapter is playing around with the roles as Rey will take Kylo's spot while Ben Solo is still good and is trying to find the map to Luke Skywalker!

(Hux and Phisma will be mentioned as well)


*You're POV*

It was like any other normal day. Ben was still training to become a Jedi wile I just trained in general.

There were wispers in the air saying that the "Empire is rising from its ashes," This honestly scared me in some ways. The empire has ripped and crippled the galaxy in meny different ways and rebuilding a bigger one will only cause greater war.


Over time I have begun to have a little crush on Ben since we have spent so much time together and there Wern't meny people around for me to hang out with, since I was only 19.

"That's it for pilot training today," Leia orders and I put my blaster down from practice.

"Very good job today (Y/N). I'm seeing a big improvement! You have hit nearly every target,"

"Thank you general," I nod and she gives me premision to leave.

I passed the training quarters and I heard more about this 'New Empire'. They were saying about how we are going to need all the troops we will need since a new Death Star is being built. Of course there was nothing we could do to distroy it. The shields were far too great and their fighters as well.

I passed several more people and began to worry about those rumors becomeing true. I knew that good would always rise and evil would always fall some day. But who will suffer?


A few days later I heard nothing from Ben and I begun to worry. I also was informed that several of our best pilots were sent out to at least collect the information neasisary for us to even plan an attack.

I heard a light knock on my door and I sprung up to see what was the matter, "Hey how are you doing (Y/N)?" My much older friend Phisma stould outside of my door. "You haven't been at training for days,"

I noded and let her inside. She was about five years older than me and we us hall hung out all together with Ben, but sometimes she would bring Hux along with her. I honestly didin't get along with Hux at all, he had a firey temper and I just couldn't stand for that.

"I'm fine,"

"No you are not, your face is pale, and you looked like you haven't slept in days," She said feeling my forehead cheak in for a fever.

"I'm don't know, I'm just so stressed out all of the sudden. I'm worried about the fleet and Ben-"

"That's your problem dear, you spend too much time worrying about others and not about your own health. I'm beginning to worry about you,"

"I'm-" I was cut off by an emergency transmission, calling for me down in the general's office for a meeting. "I'm sorry but I have to go," I pushed past my friend and walked down the hall into the general's office.

Leia's eyes were in tears and she was ring held and comforted by her son Ben. "(Y/N) thank god you are here," Ben turned and moved over to me, "I'm the only surviving Jedi Padawan," He says. I imeadatly throw myself into his arms. I couldin't help but fell great after he is finally safe.

"I thought you were hurt or somthing worce-"

"I'm alright we have all been betrayed."

Leia wipes her face from tears and looks at Me, "A girl from Jakuu named Rey. She killed all the younglings and nearly got Ben but-"

"But I was able to see through her attack strategies since I was trained for far longer than she was," I pulled back and stepped over to Leia.

"Were is she now?"

"She is now apart of the first order and is taking control of the galaxy as we speak, and there's nothing we can do about it,"

"What about master Luke? Is he alright?"

Ben answers, "My master needed to go into hiding. He tought me everything I need to know to at least hold off agenst Rey for the time being."

I knew her. I didn't get the time to sit down and talk to the lady. I just saw her in the halls always seeming fustated and tired after training,

To be continued...

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