Beauty and the Beast (P.3)

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  The night carried on and then finally you recived another knock on the door and it was your friend from before, "Dinner is surved and the master would be delighted if you would join us,"

  You lifted your head away from the pillow and shook your head. "I'm not hungrey,"

"Please come down stairs and at least stay at the table," She pushed for you to get down stairs again and there was no way that you were going down.

"I don't want anything to do with him,  just leave me alone for the night," At least Phasma respected your privacy so she left.

   The monster down stairs wasin't very pleased to hear that sort of news. "I thought I told her to come down for dinner!"

  Phasma was clearly shaking, "She's lost so much all in one night, give her some time and please don't be so forceful."

   The beast didin't take so kindly to her words and was clearly angry that the beautiful woman upstairs wouldin't spend time with him. He pushed past the maid and ran up stairs after (Y/N).

  You jumped when you heard the loud banging on the door, "COME DOWN FOR DINNER!" Of course who else would speak to you like that?!

  "No thank you,"

Then all hell broke lose, "You can't stay in there forever!"

  Hell yes you could, and that went without saying and soon after loud banging he left even more enraged then before.


  The next morning you decided that it would be best to come out side just for a second, your stomach was growling and your eyes stung from crying all night.

  After walking down the hall, there was a huge stair case right infront of you that led you down stairs. The halls had more torches and gargoyles then you could count and it was kinda creepy. As soon as you touched the main floor you saw Phasma from before and she greeted you and asked how you were feeling.

"I'm alright-"

"I'm so proud that you would come out of your bedroom, now please come with me and I will make sure that you get something to eat." She led you down the hall of the main floor of the castle and it was clear that there was alot of rooms.

  She fixed you up something for breakfast and as soon as you were finished the door slammed open behind you and you jumped a bit in your seat. "So, you're finally up,"

  You nodded, "I wasin't about to starve,"

He called for Phasma for a second and she told him about how he should he gentle and kind towards you and not be so mean. "She won't cooperate, this isin't my fault!"

  Phasma was only trying to help and she would like to be able to make sure that the beast dosin't blow this whole thing over, "Be gentle yet welcoming, the lady has a father at home that she has to take care of on her own."

  The monster snarled and walked back into the room. "Tell me about your father," He approached you more gently this time, and of course what else could you say?

"He's at home sick and he can hardly take care of himself-" He stopped you, interupted was a better word.

"I- I'm sorry to hear about that (Y/N)." Those words sounded like something that you never thought you'd hear, "I was wondering if you would like a full tour of the castle, since this place will be tour home now of course,"

  You looked outside the widow and back over to the beast, "I would love to,"

  He nodded and you followed him down the hall. The monster held a candle stick that was Hux that you met before. You were startled at the monstrous figures all around the castle and how dark it was. You were trusting a monster to teach you about the castle.

"I have curtain rules that are set for a reason. You can go anywere you like at any time, exsept for my personal quarters," At least what ever this was, is far from being friendly. 

  You thought quietly before saying: "And why is that?"

  He stopped and faced you, you could even see the light reflect off of the silver lining of the mask. "I wouldin't go there if I were you, that's a warning," Then the tour picked up and you started to get a better idea of the castle, at least you wouldin't get as lost ass it seemed.


  As time progressed, the beast left you alone so you could figure things out on your own. Now where is that personal quarters?

As you walked alone you realised that the monster had a whole floor to himself, there were broken chairs and tables everywhere and it wasin't safe anywhere to step bare foot as you would get cut on glass.

As you were walking down the hall, you realised that there was a painting that was dusty so you blew it off to see a young boy with Raven hair with his Perents. They looked like royalty and the boy was sitting in chair while his two perents were beside him.

  You jumped when you heard a voice. It was sweet and calm, it was a woman's voice. "Come over here, there is something that you must see," There wasin't anyone in sight, you must have been day dreaming.

  But, of course you carried on and followed the words that seemed to be repeating itself. "Over here!" You opened a large door that had marks all up it as if it was in bad shape. As soon as you walked in you saw a rose, it was standing up right and it was covered in a glass dome.

   You were fascinated and the voices kept telling you to come closer so you got a better look at the beautiful flower. The door behind you slammed shut and you jumped to see the beast.

"I thought I told you not to come I'm here," His voice was blank, besides from anger.

"I- I had to see for myself. I'm sorry-" He stopped you right there with his sword again coming out.

  "I DON'T WANT TO EVER SEE YOU AGAIN! YOU INSOLENT LITTLE-" You were quick to catch on that you had to get the hell out of there!

  Phasma saw you run out the door and gave the monster a bad look as she crossed her arms.

*                            *                                *

    You ran through the forest and back the way you came. The frost was already pricing your skin as you ran further. Your bare skin was visible, like your shoulders and face along with your arms. You were freezing and had no idea that the fall had changed so drastically since you've been gone.

  But, you weren't about to stay there. Not when you're living with a monster. Maybe now you can be with your father, and you could finally see his wrinkled smile and maybe you could at least be with him. It seemed as if he was dying. But just as those thoughts forced themselfs into your Brian,  was when you lost track of where the hell you were, you panicked at tripped into the snow face first and your hair was a mess from the impact.

   You heard a snap of twigs from not too far away and then you looked up after wiping your face from snow. A woman, stould before you. Her features were consealed in a cloak just over her face as she held a wooden staff.

To be continued

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