Naruto lay in the team 7 training grounds, Sasuke and Sakura at his sides. All were holding hands, weak and breathing frail. Team 7 didn't have long. All of them, even Naruto, were almost completely out of chakra.
"I'm sorry, this is all my fault." Sasuke ragged out, causing Naruto and Sakura to glare at him. The Uchiha's best death glare wouldn't have stood a chance against his teammates'. After all, who do you think taught them?
"Don't you dare teme!" Naruto all but growled at his anbu captain/best friend.
Sasuke snorted. "What are you going to do oh mighty hokage? Banter me to death?"
"Teme I encourage you. It's more of an advisement actually." The blonde Hokage tried to explain.
"Should I tell Shika that you're stealing his job as Chief advisor? My, wouldn't that be troublesome." Sasuke shot back, a grin starting to form.
Naruto laughed suddenly and both his teammates gave him questioning looks. "Remember when we all retired Kakashi sensei and made Kiba head tracker!" He cackled. Sasuke and Sakura laughed as well. They would never forget the scandalized look on their teacher's face. Or the time Sasuke torched their sensei's Icha Icha books, or the bell test that brought them all together.
"We owe him everything..." Sasuke whispered, regret clear in his voice. The attack had been sudden. Orochimaru had appeared out of nowhere finally with a vessel. Though Madara wasn't the ideal one. He still wanted Sasuke. Still saw him as perfect, beautiful, and strong. The sannin always loved the boy's defiance.
Naruto grumbled something not so nice under his breath. "Boys stop it... Sasuke this isn't your fault. How would you have known Orochimaru had placed a curse mark on Madara's dead body?"Sakura questioned.
The last Uchiha remained silent.
"You think just because you're an Uchiha the blame should be placed on you and you alone Ke? That's total shit and you know it." Sakura stated, firmly squeezing Naruto's hand who was forced to squeeze Sasuke's or his hand would be broken.
Over the years after the war a certain warmth had settled between the three. Their bond that Sasuke had once tried to shatter was practically radiating with power. It was a bond born in bravery and friendship and it lives to this day.
After the war had ended Naruto and Sasuke didn't battle it out. Instead, Sasuke sent an angry punch in Orochimaru's smiling face as he amateratsued the snake Sannin. Naruto added in his own two cents as he threw a bit of wind chakra in the black flames. The snake had screamed from the added pain. Sakura also threw in just a dash of an entire bucket of poison and dumped it on top of the flames. After all, they wouldn't flicker out. Thus Orochimaru was destroyed. They figured out a way to remove the damned curse mark with Juugo's chakra. They had killed the snake moments after that. Team 7 had decided that everything was Orochimaru's fault. He messed with Sasuke's brain, set awful events in motion, and broke apart team 7. The snake would rot in hell for that. Sakura and Naruto both silently vowed to never let Sasuke near the snake again or snakes in general. Whenever one was passed it was killed instantly.
Upon his return to Konoha, Sasuke at first just kept to himself. After all, not many people favored the Uchiha anymore. They had all but forgotten Sasuke's deeds, instead blaming him for Madara's war. The apple doesn't fall so far from the tree. So the council or the two old jerks refused to allow Naruto to appoint Sasuke as head of anbu. They chose Sai instead, much to Naruto's anger and Sasuke's annoyance.
Naruto had been named the Hokage; Hinata married Naruto; Shikamaru became Head advisor; Chouji became Naruto's chef; after Kakashi was deemed an old geezer, Kiba became Head tracker; Ino became head of the mind part of T and I, taking over her father's position; Shino became the other part of T and I; Tenten makes awesome weapons; Sai became Head anbu captain in charge of protecting Naruto; and Sakura, head medic. Sasuke was left out.

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...