Sasuke coughed as smoke filled his lungs. He ran as fast as he could towards his house. One word, one thought, one person, filling his entire mind.
"Mom..." Sasuke whispered worry engulfing his entire form as he ran into the burning house in search of her. He ignored Itachi's frantic call for him to wait. Sasuke was faster than him and he was going full speed. He wasn't about to lose his mother again. Sasuke found her collapsed on the kitchen floor. A nasty wound on her head.
"I knew you would come boy...." A familiar voice growled. Sasuke gasped and froze as he saw Danzo step into the light out of the fire's shadows. He pulled his mother up by her hair and held a kunai to her neck.
Sasuke took a step forward and Danzo tightened his grip on Mikoto. Digging the kunai into her neck slightly.
"Don't move...." Danzo growled.
Sasuke grit his teeth together begrudgingly obeying.
"Now now Sasuke if I see so much as a hint of red in your eyes she's done for" Danzo promised.
"Run Sasuke!" Mikoto told her son desperately.
"Shut the hell up Woman" Danzo said choking her slightly.
Sasuke made no move to obey his mother. He wasn't leaving her. Especially now that he knew who was in the house with her. His mom looked at him scared obviously fearing for his life. Sasuke took a shaky breath. He already knew what Danzo wanted him to do. He could see it in his eyes.
'I'm sorry Naruto...But I can't see her dead again' Sasuke thought to himself as he pulled down his shirt collar revealing his scratches. In the next moment he felt the snake's hands on him and Sasuke stomped down the urge to resist. If he fought back his mom was dead. He wasn't fast enough with just how close Danzo was holding that kunai to her neck and there was no way Itachi could get here in time.
He felt the snakes hands run over his chest and stomach his arm wrapped around him. His tongue darted out to lick at his scratches. Sasuke flinched a single tear falling from his left eye. He felt immediately disgusted his stomach dropping. He actually thought he might throw up.
"I-It's going to be okay, mom. I swear everything's going to be just fine" Sasuke vowed unable to keep his voice from shaking with fear. Even with all his years of Anbu training the snake was one of the only things to actually make him feel fear. His heart raced uncontrollably. Not again....not again....not again....not again....not a-fucking-gain.
"I love you" Sasuke tried to tell her, but he didn't get the chance as Orochimaru sunk his fangs into his neck. Sasuke screamed in pain his eyes scrunched closed as he felt the curse mark being given to him. Orochimaru let him drop to his knees as the snake let go. The curse mark swirling into place on his neck. Sasuke screamed in complete agony unable to keep any of the sounds in. The pain was just as he remembered and yet it was completely worse. He reached desperately with his hand has he hunched over trying to find Lily's or Sakura's, but this time she wasn't here. Neither of them were. He was alone his hand grasping at nothing but air. Sasuke couldn't fight down the tears in his eyes.
"You should get out of here Danzo. It would be a shame if you got caught again." Orochimaru told him.
"Make sure our toy does her task" Danzo told him.
"But of course" Orochimaru replied with a sick grin looking out the window.a shadowed form floating in the air keeping out of sight.
-meanwhile outside-
"Shisui! What happened?" Itachi asked running over to him.
"I-I don't know!" Shisui coughed trying to breathe.
"The Fire it just started raging all of a sudden!" Shisui coughed.
"You need to get out of here, you inhaled too much smoke" Itachi worried.
"No, I-I'm not leaving."
"Damnit Shisui! I can't watch you die again!" Itachi snapped his hands placed on his shoulders a rare display of emotion as tears gathered in his eyes.
"Itachi..." Shisui whispered confused not understanding.
"Shisui y-your my best friend. Maybe...Maybe even more than that" Itachi admitted making Shisui's eyes go wide. Wait what? Itachi actually liked him that?
Shisui opened his mouth to speak, but Itachi wouldn't let him.
"You don't have to say anything. I don't want you to right now. We don't have the time. We can talk about it later just please please get out of here. Go find some water style users, or round up the leaf legion," Itachi pleaded.
"The 4 year olds? Why would I-"
"Just trust me please" Itachi begged. "I need to stay here find my father and go find Sasuke"
Shisui wasn't going to leave, but the look in Itachi's eyes scared him too much not to obey Itachi's orders. They looked haunted now. As if he had done something unforgivable. Shisui thinking logically probably thought that Itachi was looking at him like that because he thought he didn't feel the same way. Shisui cupped Itachi's face in his hands and leaned down pressing his lips to his. It was just a simple peck, but it was enough to make sure Itachi got the message.
"I'll be back" Shisui promised teleporting away. Itachi touched his fingers to his lips for a moment before shaking his head. He had work to do.
After a few frantic minutes of searching Itachi finally found his father helping some fellow Uchiha out of a burning house. Women and Children crying as they ran. His father seething in rage but holding it in.
"Father" Itachi said running over.
"Itachi Thank God" Fugaku sighed pulling him in for a quick hug. He pulled away from it as quick as he had started it. He looked around him and his stomach dropped noticing that Sasuke wasn't at Itachi's side standing in his brother's shadow where he belonged.
"Itachi....where's your brother?" Fugaku questioned.
Not a second later the two heard a sound that would haunt each of them for the rest of their lives. Sasuke was screaming.
And that's all for this chapter you guys!!!! I hope you liked it!!!1. How did you feel while reading this chapter?
2. What did you think is going to happen next chapter?
3. Now that Sasuke has his curse mark back whose side do you think he's going to be on? And why?
4. How do you feel about Itachi and Shisui? What do you think Sakura's going to do about it?
5. How do you think Fugaku and Itachi will react to Sasuke's curse mark?
6. How do you think Team 7 will react to Sasuke next chapter?
7. Anything else you want to ask rant or tell me

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...