"All right is everyone here?" Naruto asked as the leaf legion and sand brigade stood in front of the doors. "Yes everyone's here Naruto" Hinata smiled. All right then Leaf legion lets move out!" Naruto ordered and all the kids charged through the double doors. The series of chuunin exam contestants froze blinking owlishly. There were four year olds taking the exams? This would be easier than they thought. Of course they were all dead wrong as they set eyes on the proctor.
-Time skip written test-
"Did i miss something?" Sasuke asked as he saw his father standing at the front of the class room.
"Damn never thought anyone would dare get your father to be a proctor" Naruto commented.
"I give lord third credit though. Your father is way more scary, intimidating and Terrifying than Ibiki. Especially the way he silently stares giving off such a disapproving air. X 2 since Sasuke's in the room" Sakura said.
"He's not easily impressed either" shikamaru frowned.
"Or patient. We should go sit down" Sasuke said in a flash reaching his assigned seat. "Teme watch it the papers are gonna fly out the window!" Naruto complained as he grabbed his from the air.
"Sorry To! not sorry to you or you" Sasuke said to Raiyna and Shiniko who sat behind him. Both girls mouths dropped at the insult from the hot uchiha boy. Sasuke peered around the room where he sat. Shikamaru sat on his left and Lily sat to his right. Temari sat on Shikamaru's other side. Sasuke snorted as he saw that all the couples got seated next to each other.
"All right everyone be quiet and listen up!" Fugaku said in his police captain voice making just a bout everyone jump. Everyone except the leaf legion and sand brigade. Sasuke was much more terrifying when he got mad. And not just mad a not even naruto can calm him down mad.
Sasuke noticed Lily began tapping her fingers. Sasuke frowned as he listened to the beat. It wasn't really a normal drumming. The way the beats sounded. The way lily bit her bottom lip as she tapped her fingers against her leg. It was more like a nervous tic. Sasuke knew he had heard that beat before he just couldn't place when. Sasuke feeling a sudden twinge of bravery moved his right hand to her left one and locked their fingers together. This caused lily's tapping to freeze and the small Jinsè girl tensed. He was careful not to turn his head or even look at her. He couldn't risk his dad having a sudden urge to move his seat. Lily for her part had given a barely hearable gasp. The only ones who heard it were shikamaru, Sasuke and Kiba. Fugaku was talking so he wasn't really listening that intently. Sasuke resisted the urge to smile as Lily hesitantly gripped his hand back squeezing it softly. The tension slowly releasing from her limbs as Sasuke's thumb rubbed soothing circles in the back of her hand. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the Jinsè girl smile softly. Sasuke's heart swelled with pride as he realized that he made the girl smile. It was also a great relief. This hand grab could've gone south and she could've thought he was some kind of creeper. He listened to what his dad was saying figuring that the point system would be important to know.
"The teams must score a 300 or higher to pass! Yes that means you have to get every single one of them right and no questions are allowed to be skipped. If you are caught cheating you are thrown out of the chuunin exams until the next ones. Also if a single member of the team cheats you are all disqualified! If you miss a question or get one wrong your team will not pass. The use of any kekkei gekkei or jutsu is prohibited and will count as cheating. You are not allowed to leave this room until the test is over. And yes children that means no potty breaks. Bags, and any other loose items that you have on your person are to be place over here." Fugaku saod pointing to a corner.
"What this is ridiculous! You can't expect us to get all nine of these lousy questions right!" Raiyna shrieked jumping out of her chair and standing glaring in outrage at Sasuke's father. Sasuke took a peak at the questions and raised an eyebrow. These questions wouldn't give him a problem even if he was still a genin. Naruto would have been in trouble though. Sasuke really wouldn't mind Raiyna annoying the shit out of his dad and getting kicked out but he just couldn't risk it. Not with Lily on the same team. So he intervened for Lily's sake.

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...