All the adults froze. All eyes were locked on Sasuke and Hinata. Then they heard it. The humm of electricity. It sparked all over the two's bodies. Naruto snickered as Kakashi shook and kamui'd away. Obito scowled and kamui'd kakashi right back in his previous spot. "What the hell Bakashi! Fight like a man!!"
"I'd rather run and live dead last!!" Kakashi called back kamui-ing away once again. Obito and Kakashi now had a kamui war going on between each other.
Hiashi and Fugaku's jaws dropped. Hiashi's slightly more than Fugaku. Fugaku was learning extremely slowly that maybe Sasuke should not be underestimated. Maybe. Hiashi on the other hand had his brain blown to bits. Was this really hinata!? What had happened? Gone was the shy feeble 4 year old who neji basically knocked around everyday. Instead before hiashi stood a strong hyuuga heiress beyond worthy of leading the clan. Suddenly the lightening shifted and formed a shape around the two ravens. It formed a body, four legs with clawed paws at the ends, a tail that sparked at the end and a head with two different colored eyes. A jaguar made of electricity stared back at the adults. One eye a sharingon red the other hyuuga lavender. It grew and grew and grew until it cast a gigantic shadow. Hiruzen dropped his pipe. That thing... Their power was....immense! It was the size of the nine tailed fox! Perhaps he should have put up a barrier of some kind. The third hokage felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. It wasn't from fear either. It was from the pure shockwave of electromagnetic electricity surging throughout the battle field in front of him. Shikaku never a nara to miss an opportunity took control of the shadows that cast from the jaguars shadow. Or at least he thought he had Shikamaru was way ahead of his father for once.
Unknown to shikaku shikamaru had already taken control of him as well as the other adults. He just allows his father to make the handsigns he wants. Shikamaru idly wondered how long it would take for them to notice. Sasuke and Hinata were the flashy distraction while he lurked around and striked. It was one of their favorite combo's afterall.
Shikaku smirked as his shadow possession successfully got all the kids except for Hinata and Sasuke. Their flashy little jutsu was perfect for a distraction. Even all the kids had been watching them but of course that was their mistake. Or so shikaku thought.
"KeTa your good! Shadow possession complete!" Shikamaru yelled. It was far to boring to wait for everyone to realize he had them trapped. It was much more thrilling and took much less effort to just announce their captivity.
Shikaku's eyes went wide before taking on a confused look. What did shikamaru mean? It was the other way around wasn't it? Wasn't it? He didn't feel controlled.... So what did his son mean?
Danzo simmered in a vengeful rage. Taking Sasuke down would be harder than he previously thought. Damn kid stole his good leg! And to have as much chakra to create that thing with a hyuuga weakling like her he was far more powerful than danzo had perceived even after their midnight battle. Danzo frowned. How much was the kid holding back. How much skill was he hiding? How had he gotten so good in such a short amount of time!?
"Hn" Sasuke repsonded to Shikamaru as he and Hinata calmed their chakra's the jaguar disappearing just as fast as it had been formed.
As the huge shadow disappeared shikaku gasped as he was finally able to see the shadows in the daylight. Everyone was connected to a shadow . They webbed and stretched. The adults all connecting back to shikamaru and the kids all stretching back to shikaku. What shikaku had no idea of was if shikamaru actually had control or not. The kids were standing in the exact same spot across from an adult so it could just be that shikamaru had been forced to copy him and take control of the adults. now the question was who was controlling who? Shikamaru or shikaku?
The question was soon answered when all of shikaku's shadows snapped shattering back on him with a crack. Shikaku gritted his teeth. He hated when it did that...

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...