"Sasuke!" Naruto screamed as he ran through the Uchiha district looking desperately around for his best friend.
"Sasuke! Where are you!?" Sakura screamed on the opposite side of the compound that Naruto was the two having split up to search for their teammate.
"Hinata? Do you seem him anywhere?" Naruto asked frantically sweat trickling down his body from the flames.
"Not yet, but we have bigger problems than finding, Sasuke" Hinata told him.
"What? Hinata finding Sasuke is always the most important thing! Nothing is above that" Naruto protested.
"Naruto, look up. We've got a mystery Rinnegan user." Neji told him coming to his other side.
"What a drag. Where's Sasuke when you need him?" Shikamaru questioned as he looked up at the floating figure. But he couldn't make much out as the person was shielded by the smoke.
"Temari, get that smoke shield out of the way!" Gaara ordered his sister. They had to see who this person was.
"I'm on it!" Temari confirmed pulling out her fan. "Wind scythe jutsu!" She exclaimed producing a fierce wind to the sky.
"Gaara! We've got to put out these flames! Not fan them!" Kankuro coughed as Temari's wind made the flames grow.
"We need water style!" Tenten exclaimed as she threw some carrying scrolls filled with water over some houses the water putting out the flames.
"Damnit Who the hell is that!? I don't recognize the scent." Kiba growled as he glared at the sky.
"What do you mean you don't recognize it? Kiba you never forget a smell." Sakura frowned Kiba, Sakura, And Shino meeting Naruto in the center of the compound.
"It's a person we've never faced. My bug's don't recognize whoever that is either, but whoever they are they were the one who sent those rinnegan bugs." Shino confirmed.
"Damnit I don't have time for this. Sasuke's clan is burning and he's no where to be found." Naruto gripped at his hair. It had been so long since he felt so much stress at once. It sickened him greatly.
"Naruto, just take a breath. We'll find him...we always do." Sakura told him placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah...yeah you're right Sakura. Okay! Leaf Legion listen up! Our top priority is to save the the Uchiha Clan. Right now all that figure is doing is watching, which means they're waiting for something. So, until that something happens it's likely they'll just stay up there. Everyone fan out, women, Children, any Uchiha you come across you get them to safety. The Uchiha clan is not dying tonight! Understand?" Naruto questioned everyone nodded and scattered each keeping in mind the fact that the figure was still in the sky.
Naruto closed his eyes and took deep breath focusing as hard as he could, but for the life of him he couldn't sense Sasuke's chakra which was strange. He usually didn't have a problem with that.
Suddenly a scream that was with no doubt Sasuke's ripped through the air. Naruto's heart raced and Sakura felt like she was about to through up.
"Sasuke!" Naruto panicked his breathing quickening as he made a 100 shadow clones all of them scattering trying to find the Uchiha.
"Sasuke, wherever you are please be alright." Sakura whispered as she looked around.
-meanwhile with Itachi and Fugaku-
"Where's mother?" Itachi questioned never having caught sight of her in the carnage.
"Last I saw her she was at home." Fugaku frowned. The two men exchanged a look before they sprinted out to their home. They searched about desperately Fugaku finally locating both Mikoto and Sasuke in the kitchen as Itachi searches upstairs.
"Itachi! Down here son!" Fugaku called up to him cradling Mikoto in his arms. She was only unconscious thank Kami, but she was still injured. Her head was bleeding pretty bad.
"I need to get your mother out of here. Tend to your brother, I'll be right back." Fugaku promised his eldest. Itachi nodded his head and rushed over to Sasuke as Fugaku rushed Mikoto to safety.
"Sasuke...Sasuke are you alright?" Itachi questioned placing his hand on his brother's shoulder as lightly as he could. Sasuke was facing away from him hunched in the corner his hands gripping his head, fingers fisting in his raven hair.
"Get...away..." Sasuke struggled his voice sounding pained and conflicted.
"Sasuke? What? I'm not leaving you. Cmon the house is burning. We need to go now." Itachi told him standing up frowning when Sasuke made no room to follow.
"Hurry....before it's too late....it's stronger this time...I can't fight it much longer..." Sasuke rasped.
"Fight What? Sasuke there's no one else here but us! We have to go." Itachi told him trying to convey his urgency.
"I can't!" Sasuke yelled back whirling around on his brother. Itachi gasped, the curse mark was glowing a lava like red as it etched itself all over his brother's skin in a horrid design. He could see his little brother desperately trying to fight it, to will it back, but it looked like he was losing that fight.
At itachi's look of horror Sasuke's angered look softened. The younger uchiha's dropping to his knees tears gathering in his eyes. "I didn't have a choice...they were going to kill mom, I couldn't just let her die, Itachi." Sasuke told him for once sounding like his physical age. Vulnerable and afraid.
"I would have done the same. It's alright Sasuke, you can fight this darkness, fight him back, I know you can." Itachi told him.
Sasuke shook his head quickly. "No, I can't, I couldn't last time. Fighting it is useless, it just delays it and each time it just comes back stronger and stronger. Please just leave, let me burn, save yourself, I can't let myself be that again. I don't want to be consumed by hatred's power anymore."
"Then don't, Sasuke your a lot stronger than father gives you credit for, I know he's compared us a lot in the past and the present, but I truly believe that your stronger than me." Itachi told him.
"No, I'm not, your more skilled." Sasuke grimaced as a pain shot through him the curse mark relentlessly trying to take over. He didn't understand what Itachi was getting at. Why did his brother have to be so cryptic all the time?
"In Jutsu perhaps, but that's not what I'm talking about. You have something that few Uchiha have, it's why you can fight this, it's why you never give up, it's part of what makes you truly special. You have a will of fire."
I'm alive peoples! Sorry about being so inactive, you all must hate me, I mean I used to update almost everyday and now....*sigh*. I've really just become the one thing that I hate with a passion. The author who barely updates which sucks because you all don't deserve that and it's completely unfair to you as readers. You all are so amazing and patient with me and I can't thank you enough for that. You are all so supportive of me. Anyways I'm really sorry about my update gaps and I'm going to try to update more often from now on, but I am going to college in about 2 weeks so I might not be able to update as often as I want to, but I promise the next update won't take more than a month. Okay now here are 3 questions for you guys to answer!1. Are you still interested in this story and why?
2. Do you think I'm a good author?
3. Anything else you would like to ask rant or tell me!

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...