"Well debate the team of four thing later let's just keep watching" gaara said sadly becoming the voice of reason. Naruto had become really committed to acting like a kid again for some reason.
"Wait a four man team does happen!" Naruto exclaimed suddenly it hitting him all at once.
"Oh really? Please elaborate lord hokage" Neji said still firm in his earlier justification.
"The ghost mission Neji" Naruto said grinning triumphantly.
"That doesn't-"Neji argued only to be interrupted.
"Or how about the time we went up against that seventh swordsman and the kid with glowing red eyes...what were there names..oh uh Raiyga! And uh .? Oh man what was the other ones name? He was just like haku! Oh! Oh whatever it was with the chili! Cmon you remember don't you? Lee went totally bonkers and Tenten said she hated weak people and then they shoved burning hot chili down your throat..." Naruto exclaimed panting. He had said that all in one breath.
"Yaass! The curry of liiifffeee! It rejuvenated me from all illness! It saved me through one of Gai sensei's most youthful training sessions! It harnesses the power of youth itself into one beautiful spicy piping hot dish! It's-"
"Lee do not speak of that poisonous substance!" Neji snapped whacking him on the head.
"Yes neji" lee said growing quiet.
"Zabuza, kisame, raiyga.." How many ninja swordsman have you fought?" Choji asked curiously.
"Is this including apprentices?" Naruto asked.
"Uh sure Naruto" Temari said. She wanted to know as well.
"Umm zabuza, raiyga, kisame, suigetsu, haku, red eye kid, mitsukage,... I think around seven of them if we don't add in the war reanimations" naruto shrugged.
"You have terrible luck Naruto" Gaara said.
"Says the guy who almost got owned by a living ninja weapon" Naruto shot back.
"Do not bring up matsuri Naruto. You will lose" Gaara warned.
"Okay okay sheesh someones in need of masturbation" Naruto mumbled.
"The route our conversations always take..." Sakura sighed shaking her head. How do you go from talking about a four man team to masturbationn? This was getting very messed up. On so many levels. Actually it's already been messed up on so many levels. Maybe this was just some new level of messed up. The pinkette couldn't decide.
"Fine in some occasions teams of 4 end up happening. However those are very rare and almost never happen!" Neji exclaimed.
"Almost never! You said almost! I win! Case closed! Ha!" Naruto said kissing Hinata in victory as Tenten gave Neji a sympathy kiss on the cheek.
"Guys shhh! And watch! This thing doesn't pause! We missed a whole bunch!" Kiba complained.
"all you missed was her drawing iruka a goodbye picture with him ruffling naruto's hair. Then she ate her lunch in a tree and now your all waiting for kakashi to show" Hinata said.
"I love your multitasking ways" naruto said giving her another kiss.
"I know" she responded with a giggle.
Tension was in the air. Lily sat calmly sketching, Sasuke sat brooding, Sakura was making Googoo eyes and Naruto was making a chalk eraser extra dusty. Lily bit her bottom lip. time passed and kakashi still hasn't arrived.
"naruto what are you doing?"Sakura asked hands on her hips with accusation in her voice.
"Oh this is gonna be good! Our first prank on sensei! Yes!" Naruto said giddily.

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)
FanfictionNaruto, sasuke, and sakura survived many things and lived long lives. But they all had many regrets. So many things they wished they could change, people that they could have connected with more, a dream that was long since forgeotten. Each makes a...