Ch 83: Proposition time

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"This isn't possible..." Kakashi breathed shaking his head.

"You killed her I saw you do it." Obito clenched his fists as he stared at Rin with a broken hearted expression.

"Sensei, she's an edo tensei." Naruto carefully reminded knowing how delicate of a situation this was. "We have to seal her. Quickly."

"Why Rin!? Why would you try to destroy my clan!?" Obito yelled tears already falling from his eyes.

_ okay sneak of the next chapter over. Full disclosure I started writing the next one hence the above text, but then I had no time in my life for my writing + I was losing interest in anime, after Naruto ended I just wasn't feeling it and now well here we are again with an authors note cause I think I'm feeling it again.

When I was writing this story back in highschool I did it for fun because I didn't have many friends. I was shy and a bit antisocial, honestly all of that is still the case today. I've just been wicked busy with schoolwork and trying to graduate college which has been leaving little time for wattpad. That said winter break is soon approaching I'll have a whole month off and I have a question for you all. It's been so long since I first published this story and last updated, I'm not sure if I even have any readers left, or if I've gained any new ones, it's been so many years, but if anyone is still interested this question is for you.

When I first introduced Lily to the story in chapter 48 I received major backlash from many readers who were in love with the story previously. Some people really liked her, but the majority was pretty pissed the fic was sullied by the likes of an original character. Even one that at the time I thought was well written and "not like other oc's." Many readers felt the story went to shit now that an oc was present. They felt betrayed and lied to about her showing up....and now that I'm older and less attached to what was practically my first OC, regardless of having planned to include her in the beginning, I find myself in agreement. So now I've got a story where basically half of it is utter trash.

Here is my question to you. Over winter break I plan to get this story to its 100 chapter conclusion. I once promised someone I would finish this, and that person died of cancer, and like hell am I going to break it, but, I was thinking of doing a rewrite. I'm older now and my writing has improved greatly over the years.

I wouldn't get rid of this story, as I want to see this version concluded, I'd get it to its final 100th chapter as I just said, but would you all like it if I made a new team 7 change the past to protect the future? But this story would be entirely OC free! Chapters 1-47 would be copied, edited and even added onto. this something people would like? Let me know in the comments if you'd like an oc free version or not. Either way this story is getting to 100 chapters. Honestly just tell me all your thoughts, I've missed talking with all of you guys.

I have no idea why I just typed my signature emoji sparkles. As this is all basically an authors note, I guess I did it on reflex, why am I still typing? The world may never know. I think I just missed wattpad. I love you all, thanks so much for reading, next update is scheduled for Friday the 15th! Tiff out! Peace!!

Team 7: change the past to protect the future (Editing in Progress)Where stories live. Discover now